CH:34 Anata

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They have bling left the territories of Konoha. Even though they are back in traveling now there destination is still unknown as usual. Sakura just followed Sasuke like a cat following its master . Through the green woods they both walked towards an unknown destination. But it greatly seemed as though their destination was right beside them. That noon they stopped near a tree to rest for a while. Sakura unpacked a package of Onigiri and handed one to Sasuke. After a good lunch Sasuke looked towards the sky. It was rare of them to chit chat for hours. But they both enjoyed the comfy silence between them . Sasuke spoke in a timid voice.

"Shall we go to the ocean next...."

"Huh..if that's where you want to....them am fine with it Sasuke kun."

He raised his Katana and looked at it. It seemed dusty which proved that it's been days since they train properly. Sakura kind of understood his silent gaze at his sword while cleaning it . Even she thought that as shinobis at least they should train a bit or their strength might get rusty. So she excitingly searcher her backpack for some kunais. She opened a kept her cloak aside. Just a few meters she there was  big feild which was perfect for some training. That's something Sakura was thankful for. She dissapeared behind the trees as Sasuke was cleaning his sword. Sasuke thought she might be attracted to some herbs as usual but she returned in her training gear.
Sasuke looked at her mesmerized as always.

"It's been long since I stretched my arms.  "

She looked towards the empty grass field. Sasuke understood her invitation. By the time sakura's reached the field Sasuke was already out with his shirt and cloak off. He looked quite hot in the attire. Sakura had a tint of pink on her cheeks.

"It sure has been long ....."

Sakura looked towards him as he said those words.

Yeah...let's see how much strength you have got there Sasuke kun....

Sasuke looked towards her. He was suprised that she openly challenged him.


Before he could say anything else she had already taken her battle stance.

" scared ...."

Sasuke was still standing silent on how quickly his wife can change personality. A few moments ago she was being Caring and serving him food and now she is like a beast running to break his teeth.
Before he could even take his stance Sakura rushed towards him and landed a punch on his face. Sasuke flew to far away luckily he got on his feets real quick.

"What... didn't you remember Kakashi sensie's teachings Sasuke kun...."

" have become strong..."

"Don't expect me to go easy on you just because am your wife."

" won't try and kill me right..."

Sakura charge towards him. Sasuke dodged her swiftly.

"We are training until I break all your bones Sasuke kun...."

"You can break them..."

"You doubt..."

She rushed towards him ready to punch him. Sasuke dodged her punch. She took out her kunai as Sasuke used his Katana to defend.

"Let's see who can break more bones "

"Wait.. what...but ."

Before Sasuke could compete Sakura tried punching him harder even though he dodged but the ground crumble into pieces. Sasuke didn't want to train like this. The Sakura infront of him looked quite a lady monster. Well if she wants to play then he will too.
He rushed towards her. A d in no time he held her hands and came near her ear. That was a surprise. Sakura stopped in her movements. Sasuke licked her ears. She was blushing now, even though she knew this was a trap bshe couldn't help it.

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