CH:46 Future

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Sasuke and Sakura were standing beside Gara and Naruto outside the Suna interogation bereau . Akai was sitting inside surrounded by Sai Ino and Kankuro. The problem that disrupted Sasuke and Sakura was the fact that Akai was refusing to answer any of their questions and was insisting to to talk with Sakura. Sasuke on the other hand was pissed due to this girl. He was still in his hospital clothes. He was angry because he was always interrupted by this girl in his sweet time with his wife. She really was a huge problem.
Sakura entered the room as requested by Akai. Sakura sat across Akai who seemingly had a gloomy face.Sakura started a conversation  with a stern voice.

"So what is it that you wanna talk to."

"You are late Sakura."

"My apologies.....I was a bit busy."

"Hnh... busy in bed huh."

"None of your buisness."

"Won't you ask how did I knew...."

"Don't need to know."

"Sakura don't tell me that you don't know....."

Sakura looked at her face with a glare. She wondered if the woman had gone insane. What else was she hiding.

"I guess you really don't......but am sure that Sasuke kun knows it well ."

"Can you come directly to the point "

" My eyes can see the future..."

She stood up and turned around ready to leave. Akai was shocked on her this behaviour. Akai called in a startled voice.

"I know the consequences of the path you both a walking....I know your future with Uchiha Sasuke....are you seriously..."

" I don't ......I don't wanna know the future..."

Akai was startled with Sakura's answer. Sakura smiled and looked at her.

"Akai you could have done many great things and created your own future. But you choose to surrender to fate. We are not the same. Me and Sasuke kun. We would make our own future."

Akai looked baffled on hearing the answer. She gritted her teeth. And with a voice full of anger she screamed.

" The Uchiha will always choose that village over you. Even if with him you will never be happy. And you will always live in the fear of loosing him. You don't deserve him."

Sakura got near her and leaned down to her. Akai looked into her eyes and spoke with a voice full of rage.

" Hah...your child will fall prey to the curse of hatred. Imagine what will you do if your child becomes the same person as her father. A mur...."

Before she could complete she coughed blood. Akai was shocked. Akai got it that she was poisoned but she had no idea when.Sakura at her.

"Surely you didn't thought that Aoda's bite was without poison was it. Thanks to my the DNA copies you were alive till now. But I guess my antibodies are working on you as well." I planted them long ago you know. I hope to share some Onigiri with yoy soon in the prison."

Akai got it. That all this time it was her who was being played. She asked Sakura with an angry voice.

"Since when."

Sakura was about to answer but the Sasuke arrived behind her using her transportation technique and stabbed her on the back using chidori. And wishpered

"Since the beginning."

Akai was in a terrible state now her whole body was trembling and she was in her own pool of blood. Sasuke and Sakura stood together. Looking down at her. As Akai lost her consiusness. The others quickly entered and found Akai laying on the floor. Naruto rushed to Sasuke and Sakura and said

"Sasuke....I told you not to meddle in a woman's fight....she could have been helpful."

Sakura went near Akai. Sasuke stopped her.


"I am a doctor Sasuke's my duty to treat a patient."

Sasuke knew how adamant Sakura was so he let her go . Sakura accompanied Akai to the hospital. Sasuke waited with Gara, Naruto and the others as Sakura handled the operation. After four hours she came out. She looked exhausted. But she smiled and said.

" It was a success....she will live. But her life will be forever in the wheel chair. I guess that's her half of punishment..."

She opened her white coat and handed it to the staff and moved forward. But suddenly felt a bit dizzy and stumbled but Sasuke caught her in her arms. She looked at him.

"Hehe....I guess am a little tired."

Sasuke looked at her in his emotion less face . He suddenly carried her on his shoulders with one hand. Sakura was shocked.

" Eee..ehhhh.... Sasuke's embarrassing.... everyone's watching."

But Sasuke payed no heed to Sakura. While the others behind them were lost in thought regarding the situation. Ino was shocked on the scene and her jaw had already dropped open. Sai commented with his sly smile.

" Men change after marriage."

Naruto,Gara and Kankuro were also amazed but they were all happy for both of them. Sakura seemed like a godess who had changed a violent tyrant into a gentle and kind man. Sasuke and the other hand carried Sakura to his room and laid her on the bed and laid beside her.

"Sasuke kun...I will go rest in another room"

"I am tired. Let's sleep for now."

Saying that, He held Sakura close to him and closed his eyes. Sakura admired his childish behaviour for once and according to her it was truly very cute. She held him close and closed her eyes. After a long tiring day, the warmth of each other engulfed themas slumber took over them. Sakura felt glad that she believed in Sasuke and didn't listen to Akai. After all what's the fun in knowing the future when you can make it yourself.

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