CH:22 The Return of the Rival

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The next morning they got all ready to set out from those snowy alps. Just before they were about to start again Sasuke noticed an eagle flying over him. He put forward his hand and the Eagle swayed down towards him. He got a scroll. It looked like one from Kakashi.

I guess you are still traveling. There is an urgent mission I have for you. There is  an ellite Iwa Anbu member to north of Iwagakure. I want you both to escort her  safely to Iwagakure because some bandits are behind her. They are really important to the Tsuchikage. I am counting on you both. And the Anbu gurl has an ill newborn too, so it's better if you ask Sakura to look after it.

Kakashi Hatake
The sixth Hokage

'Sasuke showed the letter to Sakura."

"Isn't this place the north mountains. "


"I guess the family lives nearby. He said there is an ill newborn. I worried about his health."

"Hn.lets find this family first."

Just when they were about to leave. They heard a rustling sound around the bush. It felt to them as footsteps of a few people. The quick took ahold of their weapons. But when they turned around they found an little squirrel. It looked like Sai's little animal messanger. But the question was what was it doing there. All their confusion got cleared when they saw a familiar face appearing from the bushes.

"Hi.... didn't know we would meet so soon."

That was the same familiar white hair. Yamamoto was their and behind them Takeru and Yuriko holding little Yuki.


Sasuke for a moment thought that what would he do so that this white hair guy dissapear completely from this planet. Sakura on the other hand was relieved and went to hug Yuriko and Yuki . Takeru held the three of them together.

"Ohoy ...we are back together."

Sasuke was standing without an emotional there. Yamamoto held an gentle smile on his face. It turned out that the family Kakashi asked them to escort was actually them. Yamamoto went to Sasuke.

"Looks like even destiny wants us to be together."

"Her destiny is mine along with her."

"I didn't talk about her stop being jealous"

That moment Sasuke felt as though he was just roasted by Yamamomto. There was an irkmark on his forehead. Yamamoto went near Sakura.

"Sakura nice that it's you who would escort us."

"It's my pleasure Yamamoto."

"Yeah....we can be together for more 3 days."

Haha ..yeah...umm...Our Hokage mentioned that Baby Yuki is ill.

"Uh... about that Sakura san's my fault...Yu-chan was vomiting after she took her first food. So I got scared and wrote in the letter to Tuschikage to give us some medics of possible. But later Yuriko told that it's normal."

"'s ok then...I am glad she is fine. "

By this time Yuriko was already feeding Yuki and Takeru was gaurding her. They had already finished their greetings.Sasuke advanced towards Sakura and Yamamomto and intrupted their conversation. They talked at a distance from the Yuriko.

"The letter mentioned that some bandits are following you"

"Yeah...they are the Yuriko's former enemies. Now that Yuriko had Yuki-chan. She is weak and an easy target. Sakura san you know her case pretty well. Lord Tsuchikage asked our immediate presense to investigate our previous case. For the village we have to come out of the hiding. Probably that's why lord Tsuchikage asked the leaf for help. Because you both were the nearest to us."

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