CH:47 Prince Charming

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Two days have passed since Sasuke got discharged from the Sunagakure hospital. Sasuke as expected recovered quite rapidly. Gara asked them to have a comfortable stay in Sunagakure in order to Thank them for their help in getting rid of the black market working underground the Suna borders. He offered them the best inn but they denied demanding that a simpler one is more suitable. So now they were in a hot springs inn. Naruto and the others returned soon too because Naruto was making a fuss for leaving Hinata Alone plus Ino's health was not in the best condition either. The best choice then was to return at the earliest. It was already two days to Sasuke and Sakura's stay and they have helped quite a lot on the investigation of Akai's case. Akai was now locked up in Sunagakure prison but she would soon be sent to the Hozuki Castle, the best place for prisoners like her. That day was Sasuke returned from the Kazekage's office early in the afternoon and surprisingly found Sakura waiting in their room who since few days was spending her Time in the newly set up Children's clinic. Sasuke was greeted with Sakura's warm welcome.

" Welcome back."


Sakura helped him take off his coat. And he settled down on the table in a relaxing manner.
Sakura went and sat across him.

"So how did things go in the Kazekage's office."

" went well..they will be transferring her soon. Plus I received a message from Kakashi."

"Ohh.. that's good I guess he heard about the whole situation from Naruto already."

"Yeah...he asked us to look more into this matter of black markets as we continue our travels."

"I see....I guess it won't be a's fun to do some trival training while we travel."


Sakura stretched and stood up. And spoke in her usual loving tone.

" Do you wanna take a bath..."


With that she went in to bring their bath robes. In a few minutes they were relaxing in the hot spring. Being a couple they were in the same hot spring. Sakura noticed that Sasuke's hair had grown up a bit. So she had a good idea to keep it from getting wet.

"Ne.. Sasuke kun..your hair has become longer ."


"Umm.....if you don't mind...I can tie it up so it doesn't get wet."

"Hn "

With that she used a hair tie and tied it behind . Sakura looked at him afterwards and realised that Sasuke looked extreamly handsome while his hair was tied up. She wondered how come she became the wife of such a handsome person. Oh who was she praising Sasuke was always the prince charming even before he fell for her. And unconsciously admiring him she blurted out something that made her all red later.

" Prince Charming"

Sasuke was shocked. He looked at her amused and spoke in a suprise voice.

" Huh."

Sakura came to her senses as soon as she heard Sasuke's voice. She realised what she said. She was red and started blabbering randomly things to distract Sasuke.

"Eh....hehehe....I mean... Presents are know...the Inn provided us with such good food, clothes and even Sake(a type of alcoholic drink) presents. .........It's so right Sasuke kun...hehe...he"

Sasuke looked at an flustered Sakura who went to get the bottle of Sake. She kept the Sake in the floating basket and poured some for Sasuke.

"It's really good you should enjoy this."

Sasuke accepted the liquor with his usual stoic face. After having a relaxing bath in the hot spring. Sasuke who was now almost completely drunk sat down in their futon which was already laid down by Sakura. She was really good at all these ideal housewife stuff too. Sakura was still drying up her hair while Sasuke was loosing his sane self thanks to the liquor. He cursed himself for having so much knowing that his Alcohol tolerance is really terrible. But he could have done a thing because he probably lost his mind the very moment Sakura got ready to pour him liquor. He was feeling extreamly hot and dizzy. Even his face was red like tomato. That when Sakura entered all ready to have a good rest. She sat beside him and got a glance at his res face. First she thought it was fever.

"Sasuke are all you have a fever by chance."

With that she touched his face with her bare hands to check the temperature. Sasuke was more flushed now.

" Dosent look like you have a fever."

She then suddenly held his hand .

"If you are can tell me..."

That was literally the final blow to Sasuke's tolerance. He grabbed her hand and pinned her down on the futon. Sakura was amazed by this sudden movement.


Sasuke was looking at Sakura's flustered face.

"Sorry Sakura....I.....I shouldn't have drank so much..."

Just before Sakura could say anything there was a knock on the door and a familiar voice came.

"Sakura...are you asleep."

It seemed like Kankuro. Sasuke let her go as he laid down on his futon. Sakura got her disheveled kimono in a correct state and went to open the door. Kankuro greeted her with and apologetic voice as she escorted him inside and lent him a seat.

"Hi... sorry I intrupted you both this late.....I would have come early but I got stuck up in some urgent work. Actually Gara wanted me to do this task today itself... So if you don't mind Suna is conducting a Summer festival , so The Kazekage and the people of the sand will be honoured if you could attend the festival. "

" Ah...that's pretty nice..but.."

"Um... will be an honor for us...I even brought Yukatas for you... don't know if it's to your taste..but please.... think it as a token of thanks.. for all your help."

Kankuro's request was hard to deny . After lots of pondering she finally Said in a requesting tone.

" I...will try to attend..."

That wasn't an assured answer but Kankuro seemed relief. He jumped up and thanks Sakura for accepting and rushed out of the room apologizing her while he bid goodbye. Sakura thought that it's better to discuss the matter with Sasuke but by the time she went inside the bedroom Sasuke had already slept. He looked really handsome while he slept. Even though Sakura stole mamy glances of him sleeping yet a drunk Sasuke sleeping peacefully will always have its own charm. She gave a soft smile as she slid his hair from his face and gave a little peck on his lips.

" I love Prince Charming."

With that she got up to keep the Yukatas in place. Just while she finished keeping the Yukatas the thought of the changing era passed by her mind. She remembered that memory of their childhood when they all watched the fireworks together during the summer. In a low voice she spoke to herself.

"Time really passes away too quickly."

That's when realisation struck her. It's summer that's means it's already July . So Sasuke's birthday is just round the corner. And she has yet to prepare a gift.

 And she has yet to prepare a gift

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