CH:23 Jealous Fish.

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That night was less chilly than the nights all of them recently spent. When Sakura went into Yuriko's tent she found the young light blue haired lady covering her child with a blanket to protect her from cold. That moment she thought that no matter how the woman is or what job she does once she becomes a mother it's the greatest job and honour she could do. Yuriko's mature yet soft voice pulled her back to reality.

"Uchiha seem tired ."

"'s nothing am used to it."

"Thank you for all you have done for me and my family."

"It's ok...As shinobis it's our duty to look after our comrades."

"My life as a shinobi is over Uchiha san.. so please don't call me that. Am happy leaving this life though. Being a mother is really wonderful."

"Yeah it sure is..."

"Uchiha san can I ask you a question."

"Yeah..why not "

"In your marraige are you happy with Sasuke Uchiha."

That question proved that she knows about Sasuke and his past. Well, Sakura didn't expect any less from an Iwa Anbu. Still she should be careful.

"Why do you ask?"

"Uchiha know him better than I do but his past as an international criminal might be a bother in your relationship. "

"What do you mean Yuriko san. Do you mean that Sasuke might still be a criminal."

"No no.... Uchiha san you got me.. He might not be a criminal now. I have seen genuine care for you in his eyes. But there is no guarantee that he won't be one in the future. What I mean is you not feel disgusted on the fact that you married a criminal. You loved him , waited for him even when he didn't care about you. Why is that Uchiha san. You are awesome it isn't like you wouldn't get men to marry. So why choose him?"

Sakura had a gentle smile on her face.

"I chose him because I love him. This is the very reason why his past belongs to me."

"Then what about his present and his future."

"About that....His past was one of the most painful time for him. I don't want Sasuke kun to give me hapiness. I want him to give me his pain and sadness from all those years. His present and future may belong to the village. But all his bad memories ....I want them all. I want to take away all his bad memories and fill him up with only good memories. So much that he never regret anything anymore."

"So that's why you are traveling with him."

"No, I can't live the love of my life alone. "

"Can your love change that fact that he wasn't a criminal?"

"It can't, it doesn't need to.
Fore he is perfect the way he is. If turns bad in the future I will reach for him again and turn him good. No matter how many times he gets engulfed in darkness ......I will take light to him that many times. I fell in love with a man who was regarded as a criminal in the eyes of this world. But I have seen that behind the mask of a criminal he was always the boy who lost everything. A boy who always wanted a mother's love a father's guidance and a brother's support in his life. I can't give all that to him but I hope I could atleast make him feel at home."

"Uchiha San meeting you proved me that the rumours about the strongest Kunoichi were true indeed. You are rough at fists yet you are soft at heart."

"Oh...there are such rumours....haha....I never gave much attention to them. Well it's pretty late we must sleep."

When the sounds of cover tugging up was heard Sasuke finally moved his hand a bit. Sasuke was literally listening to this whole conversation. That moment his feelings were inexplicable. He felt like that moment .......a huge weight on his heart was lifted. He knew that Sakura loved him but he had no idea that it was so deep. This connection that he felt with her all those years ago was finally getting into his head. When he was surrounded by darkness, he often felt an ache in heart with the thought of Sakura. Then he was too dense to know why but now he knew. Now he knew why he felt annoyed when any other man comes near her. It's because deep inside he has fallen in love with his wife all over again. This time it is too deep to explain to anyone. That's when Sakura 's voice intrupted him.

"How long have you been standing here "

"Long enough."

"So you did heard all that huh...."

Sasuke hugged her. The wind was rustling around them. And the dancing leaves have surrounded them. Sakura could feel Sasuke's heart beating faster.

"Sakura Thank you."

There was a pause. They both separated. Sasuke looked directly into her eyes. They went near the blazing campfire. And sat together. Sakura in order to calm herself down started showing her palm to the fire to warm up a bit. That's when Sasuke caught her hand.

"Sakura, Thank you. No matter where I am my present as well as my future all will always belong to you."

Those words made Sakura's heart skip a beat. He held her hand in a firm grip. He pinned her on the ground. There eyes were fixed on each other.Just when Sasuke's cold expressionless face was about to touch Sakura's tender sweet lips. They heard the croacky sweet voice again.

"Ah .. Uchiha shouldn't do these with your wife outside."

That voice ran an electric current through Sakura. She punched Sasuke so hard he almost fell on his face on the other side.

"Huh...oh.. what...we weren't doing anything....I was here to warm up myself. I am done. I will head back to sleep Good night."

Finishing all that in one breath she rushed to her tent. Yamamoto went near Sasuke to provoke his already annoyed self.

"Looks like she really is the strongest Kunoichi. Uchiha Sasuke does your face hurt a lot."

His sugar coated talks were like green chillies for Sasuke. This white ass had just spoiled a wonderful moment. He was now burning like a rage of fire from hell who can burn Yamamoto into ashes. He wanted to burn all of Yamamoto's white hair with his Amaterasu.

"Oh look it's like a Jealous fish. are really like a Jealous fish now."

That was the final blow to Sasuke's thin wall of tolerance. He quickly unlocked his sharingan and gave a death glare to Yamamoto....

'Say it again..."

"Jealous fish..... "

Sasuke's eyes were now shining in the darknes with the Katana in his hands.

"If you do anything to me .....Sakura san is gonna save me again."

He was way past his boiling point. But he was Uchiha Sasuke after all

"Coward.... killing you is a disgrace. Sakura can never be yours White ass. "

With that he moved away to the Tent letting Yamamomto take care of Guarding. Yamamoto was insulted. He wasn't gonna give up so soon.

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