CH:13 A feeling

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The next morning Sakura woke up and wondered whether the kiss was really a dream For a moment she did thought that it was a dream until she saw the raven haired man beside her. She was so shocked she almost fell from the bed.  She was stunned on the scene of her and Sasuke sleeping together in one bed. The thoughts like ' Sasuke kun and I were sleeping together',' so we kissed each other',' it's not a dream ' have made her more red than tomatoes. She was totally flustered. So much that she felt like dancing, crying all emotions at a time. Her zeals of confusion woke up Sasuke. She was more red and flustered now. Sasuke got up and saw her face turned to the other direction. He got it that Sakura was embarrassed on remembering the events of the previous night.

"Sakura... I ..."

"Hehe.. good morning.. Sasuke kun..I will get fresh in the other room if you are feeling ok please get fresh and then we can meet outside the hospital. Ok..bye..I will see you soon."

She spoke all that in one breath and rushed out of the room.  Sasuke knew she was a bit embarassed about yesterday., But yesterday even he couldn't help himself. The thought of another man touching her before he does was something he couldn't digest well. And the view of loosing Sakura forever was something that went away the moment his lips touched Sakura's. Last night he just gave in to his desires. Last night the mighty Uchiha was totally commanded by his heart.And surprisingly his heart wanted more. He slightly touched his lips and soft smile automatically floated on his face.
They both freshened up and left the hospital by 10 in the morning. Sasuke decided to meet the Raikage before leaving. So they both headed to the Raikage's office. They entered the big brown door and found The Raikage along with the brilliant advisor of the Hokage Shikamaru Nara and their glutton friend Choji.

"What a timing Uchiha... "

Said the Raikage with creepy smirk on his face. Sasuke started talking in his usual black expression.

"Is there something important"

"Oh no Uchiha.. we were just finishing the case "


Shikamaru spoke up

"Well Sasuke Sakura good job. We will take it from here."

"Did you found the body ?"

"Yeah but the face is damaged. The whole hideout fell upon him so we can't recognise his face."

"If you can't recognise his face then how do you know it's him"  asked Sakura in a thoughtful voice.

"Sasuke's Katana was still inside his body."

He placed the Katana infront of Sasuke or in other words returned it to him.

"What brought you here anyway Uchiha."

"We are leaving Kumogakure today."

"Huh..".so fast said the Raikage

"Yeah we need to...."

Shikamaru cut their words and said.

" can rest here a few days if you want. It would be better because we still haven't found some men from Akudo's gang. Our ninjas are into searching them you can inspect the condition if you" want.

After a minute pause Sasuke nod his head.


The Raikage agreed and asked his assistant Karui to get the best inn for the both of them.

"It's not needed.. We are ok with just a simple inn."

"You have helped Kumogakure a lot take it as a token of gratitude."

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