CH:19 Love rival

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The next day they departed again on their journey. Those few days in that town were gonna make them last for a life time. They were walking through the forest. This time it was hand in hand. The winter was advancing fast. The places they were traveling to now were soon getting all white with snow. Sakura didn't realise when all these months passes away with Sasuke. To her it still felt as though they just started their travel together. She saw Sasuke walking infront of her. His footprint were left of on the snow. Sakura started putting her feets on those footprints. She was following Sasuke's footprints. When Sasuke stopped she hit her head on his hard back because she was too busy following his footprints.

"Ouch...oops sorry Sasuke kun... I was just following you. Sorry for being annoying."

He looked confused

"What were you......were you following my footsteps."

" sorry if you don't like it..."

"No it's ok...."

"Sorry...I just wanted to follow you on your path being one with you."

Those words made Sasuke blush a little. He just got a weird thought now. They walked some distance and then they found an old cottage. They didn't expect a house to be their. Because the lands were supposed to be pretty isolated. They went near the cottage. And looked a young lady standing outside the cottage wearing heavy winter clothes. She seemed heavily pregnant.
That was strange. A heavily pregnant women all alone in the snow covered woods was weird. Just when they were about to advance further , a kunai came flying towards them. Luckily Sakura caught it with her bare hands. Suddenly a man with long white hair tied up in his back arrived.

"Didn't thought you would find this place so soon."

There was a moment of intense gazing between them. Sasuke spoke up in a cold voice.

"Who are you."

"Should'nt I be the one to ask that to you both."

"Kunais are not used to ask."

" was a warning that if you are here for my sister then back off ."

"Sakura felt the aura of misunderstanding here."

"We are shinobis from the land of fire. We were just travelling through here when we spotted the cottage."

"Oh..if it's the young lady saying then I believe you"

Sasuke felt a bit uncomfortable on his statement.

"What brought the leaf shinobis here."

A strong build man with red hair and beard appeared from behind them. His gaze was intense.

Sasuke was about to answer but Sakura stopped him and took the chance to handle the matter herself.

"Am Uchiha Sakura a medic ninja of the hidden leaf. Me and my husband are traveling, we just stumbled upon your cottage."

"You are a medic ninja."

The string built man's intense gaze turned into a totally different face. He seemed happy.

"Oh you should have said earlier. My my Yamamoto shouldn't have scared the young lady so much. It's good. Miss my wife is pregnant she will be giving birth soon would like to be our midwife."

That was a sudden offer. Sasuke thought they should think a bit but Sakura's doctor side awakened and without further hesitation she said yes. So they followed both the men to the cottage. Sasuke whispered to Sakura..

"Why did you say yes. It could be a trap too."

"Sasuke kun.....they just want my help delivering the child. And as a medical Ninja it's my duty. And I don't think it's a trap. A pregnant woman's husband can't lie."

They came near the cottage door and soon a young lady with shorth light blue hair opened the door.

"Oh you brought visitors today."

"Oh she is the midwife."

"But I told you I don't need a...."

"I can't see you in pain Yuriko. You need to take care of yourself."


The long haired brown man spoke.

"Brother in law is right should have help..."

The woman soon agreed and let Sasuke and Sakura enter.The cottage was warm.

"Thank you for having us" said Sakura.

" please make yourself comfortable. Am Takeru and she is my wife Yuriko she is 9 months pregnant with our first child. And this man here is my wife's brother Yamamoto. We are pleased that you agreed to help us."

*Am pleased to help you too. Am Uchiha Sakura of the hidden leaf and this is my husband Uchiha Sasuke . We are currently on our travels. " are Uchiha Sasuke. You are the one who dissolved the black market.

Said Takeru in a shocked tone.


"Thank you so much. Yamamoto was a prisnor there. Thanks for saving him."

"Hn "

Sasuke didn't felt quite right with the Yamamoto guy around. Soon they got aquainted to the atmosphere especially Sakura. Sakura and Yuriko cooked the dinner. And soon the dishes were laid. Yamamoto was pretty hospitable to Sakura. He helped Sakura by serving her dishes and after dinner. After dinner Sakura escorted Yuriko to her room. The three men sat in their living room having their drink. That's when Takeru spoke up.

"Ah.. know your wife is lovely. You should take better care of her. She is good but not better than my Yuri chan."

"Brother in law you are drunk please go and have sleep."

That's when Sakura entered the room. Yamamoto went to her and held her hand.

"Haruno San, thank you for taking care of my sister. You can sleep with us in the living room today, we will take some to arrange a new room for you"

"Oh no fine I can sleep anywhere"

Sasuke gave a monstrous gaze towards Yamamoto and went near him and Sakura.While he passed by Yamamoto he wishpered in ha year.

"She is an Uchiha."

He grabbed Sakura by her hand and dragged her away from Yamamoto. He put his hand on her forehead showing as if she belongs to him. Sakura felt something really strange.
Takeru already was sound asleep due to the alcohol. Now there were only two futons left.

"Sakura can sleep in my futon. I will sleep on the ground."

" need..I am okay on the ground....I am used to..."

"Sakura and I will sleep in the same futon."

"Huh ..Mr Uchiha if you don't know she is a woman... don't you think she will be uncomfortable to sleep with you.."

"She is wife...."

The conversation was already intense. Sasuke said those words with a very gloomy aura.In order to prevent this gloomy aura to lurk all night Sakura agreed to Sasuke and slept with him. Yamamoto was just beside them. Sakura was really tired so she fell asleep in an instant. Sasuke on the other hand was just looking if Yamamoto slept. The moment he got confirmation that the coast was clear. He slowly wrapped himself around Sakura. He could feel her warmth. Sakura's body was really warm and soft. And that warmth was Missing. Just when he was about to hold her more tight he heard a noise and saw Yamamomto sitting up .

"You are still not in your bedroom so behave Mr.Uchiha."

"I don't need your advice."

"Then better take care of your own wife"

That was the beginning of an intense rivalry. Love rivals. This was only supposed to be between him and Naruto even though it wasnt Naruto anymore he knew that other than Naruto no rival can win him. This new rival have no chance of winning against him.

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