CH:20 Getting on Nerves

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The next morning Sakura was the first to wake up. She found herself tangled in Sasuke's arm. Sasuke was holding onto her waist and his face was close to hers. The previous night when they decided to sleep together even though Sakura was a bit shock but she was getting used to this feeling. She was happy that Sasuke was finally trying to rely on her and open up. She caressed Sasuke's face. Sasuke was always had a thin sleep. Sakura's touch of love was easy to awaken him. He opened his eyes. Sakura's eyes broadned.

"Did I wake you up again."

"No, as my wife you can always wake me up."

"Haha...ok then...Good morning husband"

Sasuke had a tint of pink on his cheeks on hearing this. He gave her a gentle smile. And as if to break the moment Yamamoto stepped in.

"Sorry to disturb you ....but my sister wants something probably."

Sasuke was really annoyed at this sudden intrusion. Sakura got up hurriedly and went to Yuriko's side. Sasuke got up too. This time Yamamoto told him something that got on Sasuke's nerves.

"Didn't I told you stay away from her , pervert."

Sasuke felt as though he had just burnt the vital nerve in his body. He called Sasuke a pervert. That was too much for Sasuke to digest. He thought Sakura was his own wife he could do anything with her, who the hell is this man to tell Sasuke a pervert. Sasuke for a brief moment felt like stabbing the chidori in this man's heart.
That's when Sakura called him.
Thanks to Sakura Sasuke didn't murder Yamamoto there. The whole day they spent collecting woods for the fire. Yamamoto and Takeru were busy collecting woods where as Sasuke was out cooling his anger down in the snow. That's when Sakura approached him.He was constantly using his fire style on the snow and handling his Katana vigorously. Sakura got it that Sasuke was angry about something.

"Sasuke kun ....are you bothered about something"

Sasuke ingnored. This annoyed Sakura.

Are you angry with me..

Sasuke stopped and went near her.

"How long are we gonna stay here"

"Huh...she is still a week away from her due date. So may be a week and half more."

Sasuke has an expression of dissapointment.

"Sasuke kun...."

Sasuke held her hands .

"Sakura am cold....can I hold you hands for sometime."

Sakura had a gentle smile and she took her hands to his face.

"Mmm..mmh..yes ..I will be more than glad to give you my warmth."

Sasuke held her hand on his face. That's whe Yamamomto shouted from behind.

"Oi.. Uchiha are you done with training we are gonna make food. Sakura san and Yuriko must be hungry."

"Hai...we are coming"

Sakura answered him and went towards the cottage. Sasuke had an irkmark on his forehead. This Yamamoto was annoying her the most. The all ate together. Then Sakura went to take care of Yuriko. She asked Sasuke and Yuriko to fetch some firewood and water. On their way to fetch wood they had a very serious talk. The first one to begin was Sasuke.

"Don't you think hitting on others women is the work of a pervert too."

"Huh...are you telling that to me ..."


"What do you know huh.... Uchiha.. everyone knows that your clan is extinct... don't you think I don't know about this."

"What are you talking about."

"I fought in the war that year. I have seen Sakura san healing the patients. Even on the battlefield the damage she caused was terrible. A woman like her is a jackpot for you guys."

"Speak to your line."

"Uchiha your clan is extinct. And there can't be a better woman than her to restore your clan."

His talks were making Sasuke more annoyed.

"Uchiha, you were once a criminal, you think you deserve someone like her. I have worked beside her. Even though she doesn't recognise me the fact that she doesn't like you won't change either. For you she is a baby machine. But if you let her go she can have a better life . She can't have the life she deserves with you."

"You know quite a lot about us huh..."

"Of course. I was a shinobi once. "

"Good then...if you know so much then you must be knowing that she is my wife and we got marraied in all our senses."

"Dosent matter Uchiha. This marriage will be empty if she does have hapiness. "

"About her happiness you don't have to worry. Her husband is still here "

"Hn. Uchiha I have liked her since war time... but I never got a chance to confess"

"It's good you didn't..she would reject you."

"How do you know"

"Because am her husband"

That moment Yamamoto felt as though Sasuke was showing him the reality which he was .They hurried up with the woods and water. Both of them were getting on each others nerves. When they returned that night Yamamoto showed his highest hospitality to Sakura and Sasuke was already pretty jealous. He had now understood that this is what he should be calling jealousy. That night Sakura slept with Yuriko as Yamamoto asked her to. Sasuke was annoyed a lot on this. But he felt helpless. Sasuke was so jealous and angry that at times he felt like slashing off Yamamoto with his Susano. He thought that Yamamoto was pretty daring to confess about his rubbish feelings for the wife of the last Uchiha in front of him. He thought that it was a open challenge that Yamamoto gave him. And he called his Sakura a baby machine. This was more than enough for him to be slaughtered. That night he drank his anger out of concern for Sakura's request. But he wasn't sure how long he can do that. He missed the previous night with Sakura .

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