CH:7 The new Sakura

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It was already 15 minutes  since Sasuke Sakura reached the gates of Amegakure. Amegakure or the land of rain. It is known to be the birth place of the Akatsuki. The name itself had many terrible memories for both Sasuke and Sakura. Sasuke visited the village with his old team Taka once. He doesn't really have any fond memories here. He wondered what this village has for him this time. They entered the village not loosening their guard. Even though the place was a total mess crime and criminal still lurked in shadows here. They were meant to find the Injured Anbus first. On High alert they proceeded further in. The land was always covered by a barrier of dark clouds so it started to rain. Both of them got into a small building to shelter from rain.

"I don't seem to pick any chakra signatures here Sasuke kun."


"Do you think they are.."

"No..I don't think they are dead.... Kakashi seemed to hint that they might have some important information regarding the missing people in the border of Kumogakure."

"I see....I just hope nothing happened to them."

"I guess we should try and explore more."

The moved further in the building. Soon Sakura picked a chakra signature from the near by building. She informed Sasuke and the slowly headed there. When they entered the building. There was suddenly a series of Kunai attacks on them. Luckily they dodged all of them . Sasuke used his Sharingan to search the area. And in an instant found the attacker and transported near him. Sasuke spoke in a cold voice

"Speak..who are you?"

"I should be the one asking you that question."

"Sakura reached them and saw wounds all over their body and the leaf Anbu mask."

'Sasuke kun he looks like the injured Anbu."

"Sasuke..... wait you are Uchiha Sasuke...."


"Forgive me..I thought you are one of our persuers."


"Please let me heal you."

"No wife is more injured... please treat her first."

"I will treat you both.....
where is she."

The black haired guy took them inside the building and I to a big brown door. There lied a woman with long blue hair . She was trembling in pain.The black haired guy rushed to her side.

"Mikimo... don't worry I have got help. Nothing will happen to you."

The woman was in a terrible condition almost fully covered in blood.

Sakura first gave some medicine to the man and asked both Sasuke and the man to wait outside . Out side the room Sasuke interrogated the man.

'My name is Takiko. Me and my wife Mikimo were sent to interrogated the missing cases on the border of Kumogakure."

"Hn. What did you got."

"We first suspected that the missing people are in Amegakure but we were wrong.We followed one of the kidnappers. But they used some strange Jutsu. We couldn't see it. It was like in an instant we were suddenly bleeding. And the wounds don't seem to have any effect of basic medicine. We suspect the involvement of poison."

Truly Sakura's medicine wasn't working on the wound.

"Hn.. anything else.'

"The people abducted are only noble women."

"I see. Thank you.. you can wait and Sakura shall treat your wounds. After your treatment please carry the message to Lord Hokage that we are into this matter."

After an hour Sakura came out.
Takiko got restless and asked about his wife's condition.

"Well...she is fine,she was poisoned, but I made the antidote. Your wounds seem to be having the same poison. Apply the antidote"

"Thank god ....thank you.."

"Well....there is a bad news too..."

"Huh.. what is she okay..."

"Um..your sorry he didn't make it."


"You don't know wonder she did such a dangerous mission."

"We had a child..."

"He broke down to tears.He was really distressed."

Sakura put a hand on his shoulders.

"I know it's a hard time for you, plus I should not interfere in your matter but just as a friend  if you are  angry at her for hiding it from you, please keep your cool and console her. She needs you the most right now. You have to be strong in order to comfort her. The sacrifice you made for the village shall always made the village live in debt to both  you."

He went in the room leaving Sakura and Sasuke all alone out side the room. Sakura shed a tear on the scene.

Am must be thinking am pathetic right for crying on such a thing.

Not really..

"I have handled these cases many times in the hospital. But still it pains me to see mother's like her. I feel it's better to die giving birth than to live with a miscarriage sometimes. I won't spare that bastard who did this to her. I swear on the name of that child I will avenge that child's death."

Sakura's words made Sasuke feel a pride inside him. He saw how Sakura just now made  her pain her strength. He witnessed how strong willed Sakura has become.  The Sakura of the past now seemed a distant dream. This new Sakura was something that Sasuke was starting to fall in love all over again. He put his hand over Sakura's head. Sakura got a little flustered.

"If so then....let's find this bastard and teach him a lesson."

Sakura was excited, happy and shocked all at a time. She didn't thought Sasuke would ask her to truly stay by his side so soon. She finally felt that Sasuke is slowly opeaning his heart to her. With enthusiasm and the zeal to avenge that unborn child in her fists and heart. Sakura and Sasuke departed the Rain village. The new Sakura is not weak. This is something Sasuke has already make out. But he still wished to protect her.

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