This Was Such a Bad Idea

Start from the beginning

"Crystal,come on.You've already finished your milk.You need to let go." Harumi said.

But Crystal did not want to let go, she just held on to her parents' hands tighter.

Crystal just looked at them and just decided to not move.

"Crystal,come on." Lloyd urged softly but Crystal still didn't move.

"Mwawa,dwawa!Tway!" Crystal said.

"None of us is going anywhere,Crystal.We're just going to put the bottle away and eat breakfast here." Lloyd said.

"Wait,now that I've noticed,..why is there only one plate?" Harumi asked.

"I went to get our breakfast but my mom already got it for me.I didn't want to make it look suspicious so I just walked back here with the plate and Crystal's milk bottle." Lloyd explained.

"Then what am I suppose to eat?!" Harumi asked.

"You can have it.I'll find something else to eat." Lloyd said.

But Crystal thought otherwise, she threw her bottle away and pulled Lloyd and Harumi's hands and put them on the side of the plate.

"Crystal.Get over it,sweetie." Harumi sighed.

"Mwawa." Crystal replied.

"She's not gonna listen,Harumi." Lloyd said and Harumi sighed.

"This is the last time." Harumi said and grabbed a bit of the food.

When she lifted her hand up, Crystal grabbed her sleeve and pulled it towards....Lloyd. 

"Crystal,what are you doing?" Harumi asked.

"Mwawa...dwawa." Crystal said.

"She's really not gonna leave us alone until we get along." Lloyd chuckled.

"Don't tell me she wants me to.." Harumi said but stopped herself for she did not want to say the words.

"Fweed..dwawa." Crystal told Harumi.

"Crystal,no.I am not doing that." Harumi said and Crystal frowned.

Then Crystal turned to Lloyd and crawled to him.

"Dwawa...fweed...mwawa." Crystal told Lloyd.

"Crystal." Harumi called but Crystal did not turn to her.

"Dwawa!" Crystal said.

"Is your mother even ok with it though?" Lloyd asked and Crystal screamed, nearly cried.

"Crystal,this isn't the time to-" Harumi said but stopped when Crystal teleported away.

"Crystal!!" They both shouted at the same time.

Meanwhile, everyone just finished eating breakfast and were minding their own business by doing their own things. 

But while Jay and Cole were playing video games on their phones, they got a jumpscare from..

"AAH!!" Jay screamed as he fell from his chair.

"Lloyd,what is your daughter doing here without you?!" Cole asked and it made Crystal laugh.

"Come here,Crystal." Misako said as she approached Crystal and picked her up.

"Mwawa?Dwawa?" Crystal asked as she looked around.

"Where is your daddy?" Misako asked and was about to walk to Lloyd's room, but stopped moving when..

"Crystal,where did you go?!" Harumi asked while she was running downstairs with Lloyd.

Once she realized that she just went out of Lloyd's room and accidentally revealed her presence in the basement to everyone, she stopped moving. Then she realized that Crystal was in Misako's arms, she couldn't get her even if she wanted to.

"Mwawa,dwawa." Crystal said and tried to reach them.

"Lloyd,what is she doing here?!" Misako asked.

"Uhhmm...Let me and Harumi have breakfast first and then we will explain." Lloyd answered nervously.

"You haven't even eaten your food yet?!" Misako asked with anger.

"Have you even feed your daughter?!" Jay asked.

"That,we have." Harumi answered.

"I wasn't asking you!" Jay spat.

And because Jay said that, Crystal screamed pretty loud and tried so hard to reach Jay.

"I think you've made her angry,Jay!" Cole told Jay.

"Mom,give her to me." Lloyd asked and Misako gave Crystal to Lloyd.

"Crystal,calm down.It's alright,no need to get upset." Lloyd said to calm Crystal down.

"Bwue..twupid!" Crystal shouted.

"Shh...Crystal,calm down.Come here,sweetie." Harumi said and gently took Crystal from Lloyd's arms and cradled her.

"Mwawa,bwue twupid!" Crystal cried.

"Shh,shh,shh,..Crystal,calm down.Everything's fine,the blue man was just playing around." Harumi said to calm Crystal down.

"I wasn't!" Jay spat and Crystal cried even louder.

"Can you be quiet for just 1 second,Jay?!" Harumi scolded while trying to calm her crying baby girl down.

"We'll just be in our room." Lloyd said and went with Harumi and Crystal to his room.

"It was such a bad idea"

Part of The S.O.G and Part of The Resistance(Crystal Edition)Where stories live. Discover now