50 | fire meet gasoline

Start from the beginning

"That's good." She mutters.

"If you want you can come with me." I suggest and I can hear her gasp on her side of the line.

"Yeah, I don't think that's a good idea..."

"How come?"

"Well, he's in that state because of me Jimin."

"That's not true." I defend.

"It is and you know it." Evelyn states firmly. "No matter how you look at it, it's my fault. It's inexcusable. He could have died because of me and just because he's barely in one piece in the ICU doesn't change the fact that I put him there." She doesn't say anything for a long moment, so she cracks her fingers like she always does whenever she's tense or when she's facing an unavoidable awkward situation.

"How are you doing Evelyn?" I finally utter.

"Really Jimin?" I can practically hear her smirk.

I raise a brow. "What?"

"Seriously, why did you call me at this hour?" She says with a laugh.

"I just wanted to see how you're doing."

"You can always do that when the sun is up and I'm not rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, instead of the dead of the night." She throws.


"Is that music I'm hearing?" Evelyn asks.

"I'm at the Halloween party at the Sigma Delta Phi frat house." I tell her.

"Did you dress up as anything?"

"I'm a sexy skeleton."

"So, you called me because you're shitfaced and you're going to drunkenly pour out your feelings about me? How much you've missed me and then you'll tell me that you've been thinking of me?" She says mockingly. "What's next Park? You gonna ask me to pick you up from that shithole?"

"Very funny." I say. "I have been thinking of you, that's why I called smartass. But I'm afraid I'm not interested in getting back together." I can hear her sigh once I complete the sentence.

Shit, that sounded less cruel in my head.

"Ouch, Park. Now I know you're sober." She remarks. "Thank God, you're not stoned. There's no way in hell I'm driving to get your drunk ass. You'll probably pull off some crazy stunt that will embarrass the both of us."

"I'm afraid that's all Cassie, not me."

"Cassie's back?" She pipes.

"Yeah, she surprised visited me at my apartment and dragged me to this party."

"Maybe you should go find your friend and get shitfaced together instead of talking with your ex over the phone." She mewls. "Imagine how lame you look sitting in the corner while everyone around you is having the time of their lives."

"If 'having the time of their lives' means gagging on their guts then everyone's having a blast."

"Speaking of having a blast, I just remembered I have to do something important." She suddenly declares. "And that's to hit the pillows."

"Okay, but before you go you didn't answer me." I stammer. "Are you doing, okay?"

Evelyn lets out one long loud yawn when she says, "Yes, Jimin. I'm o-kay. Perfectly safe and healthy and incredibly tired from a long eventful yet profoundly boring day at work. Thanks for checking in."

"Did you find a roommate?"

"Not yet, but if you find a volunteer feel free to call me."

"Alright, then. I'm glad you're doing okay."

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