Chapter 42: Fortune Teller

Start from the beginning

"We have this battle now," Haruka concluded. "You four know the enemy best, so unfortunately, it seems we have no choice but to fight alongside you."

Seiya blinked, taken aback. "Thank you," she said earnestly, ignoring the subtle jab.

Haruka nodded. They held eye contact for a moment, navy blue eyes on turquoise green above the blazing flames at the center of the circle. Haruka looked away, shifting toward Michiru, who finally turned into her.

"Sure didn't sound like a 'sorry' to me," Yaten grumbled under her breath.

Minako leaned in. "That's probably the closest you're going to get."

Yaten wished she had something substantial to say, just so Minako would stay close. But her mind blanked, just like it had during the entire eleven-and-a-half-hour-long flight they'd shared side by side from London.

"So...what do we do now?" Usagi asked.

Rei adjusted her priestess robe beneath her jacket. "Now we know what Xenon is after and why."

"Our priority is to ensure the safety of our Princess, at all costs," Setsuna declared, speaking up for the first time. "And Small Lady, too."

"Of course..." Usagi stroked the top of Chibi-Usa's head. Fear snaked its way down her spine at the thought of anyone harming her daughter.

"I would never allow anything to happen to her," Seiya murmured as if reading her mind.

"I don't want you getting hurt either," Usagi whispered back.

"Bun Head, this is my fight. I started it, I've got to end it."

"I'm not going to let you do it alone, Seiya."

"She wants to hurt you to hurt me. I can't put you in danger, that's exactly what she wants," Seiya reasoned, her protective instincts flaring.

"She's after you too. Otherwise, that monster at the mall wouldn't have attacked you, Seiya."

"We don't know that..."

"Xenon will strike again without fail," Keika said, unaware of their hushed exchange. "I know her. She will not wait around for us to come to her. She is headstrong and relentless."

"How could we anyway?" Makoto wondered aloud. "We don't even know where she's holed up." She looked over her shoulder as if the Kinmokian guardian might appear simply because they were speaking of her. For all they knew, she could be out there, hidden amongst the shadows.

Naru raised her hand, but it took a full minute for anyone to notice.

"Go ahead," Luna encouraged her. When everyone fell silent, Naru spoke in a tentative tone.

"Um, I was just going to say that when she was acting with Nephrite, we were staying in a house in Aoyama. But I suppose with how she tampered with my memories it could have been an illusion... On second thought, never mind, forget I said anything."

"That could be useful," Usagi said.

"Yes," Ami chimed in. "Any information is good information, Naru."

Naru tucked an auburn curl behind her ear. "I just want to be of help if I can. I'm really grateful for all the sailor guardians have done."

Michiru touched her chin. "What do you propose we do?"

"We confront her head-on," Haruka said.

"Maybe look into this home?" Hotaru suggested. "Isn't it worth a shot?"

"Agreed." Makoto cracked her knuckles. "Blindside her, that's the way to go. With everyone together, we can take her, easy."

Ami looked concerned. "But if she has some degree of clairvoyant abilities, won't she see us coming?"

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