Chapter 4: I Hate You

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Chapter 4: I Hate You 

When we don't know who to hate, we hate ourselves.  

- Chuck Palahniuk

The next morning I could barely open my eyes, but Kylie sure knows how to wake a person up.  

"Layla, if you don't wake up I swear there will be a bucket of cold water poured on you." she threatened.  

"I dare you."I said half asleep.  

Well of course she could never turn down a dare. When I felt the first trickle of ice cold water on my face I jumped out of bed.  

"What the hell is wrong with you? You're such a devil sometimes." I said, irriatated.

She smiled.  

I glared at her, my fist clenched tightly at my side. "I swear I could choke you right about now." 

"You will be doing no such thing. You love me too much." She grinned. 

I rolled my eyes. "Your such a pain." 

"Oh I know!" she chirped.  

I sighed deeply looking around, taking in my surroundings. At the foot of her bed laid my backpack with my clothes inside. I looked at it longingly. I felt all wet and icky. I turned to Kylie. "Can I use your bathroom?"  

She nodded. "Here." she said tossing me a towel.

After I finished taking a shower and changing into my clothes I jumped onto Kylie's bed and sat Cris crossed apple sauce.  

"So did you enjoy yourself at the party?" Ky asked me. 

"It was alright I guess." I had a horrible time. Elmo the handsome beau turned out to be a huge turn off. So sad.  

Kylie grinned. "I had an awesome time. You remember Ryan from algebra? " 

"Yep. The creep with red spiked up hair and like a million piercings." 

She laughed."Well it just so happens that the creep turned out to be an amazing kisser." she smirked.

"You're so immature." I rolled my eyes.  

"You can call me whatever you want, at least I got some." She ignored my disgusted look " What about you? I saw you talking with that hot guy. I think I have him in communications. I had no clue you had it in you." she winked at me.  

"Uh, please don't remind me about him. No one can deny his gorgeous looks, but he just isn't my type. He drinks too much and he's related to Star! Turns out he's just as annoying as she is."  I complained.  

"Ha. I didn't know they were related."

"Neither did I."

"Well I still think you should give it a try. Star isn't that bad you know. You should give him a chance before judgine him. Don't you think? And don't all guys drink?" she asked making a point.  

"That's the thing though! I don't want just any guy. I want someone completley different. Who can think for themselves and not get influenced eaisly."  

"Well tell me when you find that person, hon." she said sarcastically. 

I pinched the back of my hand. Don't lose your temper. I told myself. She's right. All guys are jerks and it's not like I care much if I'm in a relationship or not. I guess it's weird because Elmo makes me have that sudden need.   

Honestly, I'm not sure I have time for guys, let alone have time for a stupid alcholic. All my mood swings are starting to drive me mental. One second I'm hiding my face from the world, the next I'm missing my mom and then now I'm having the hots for a guy. 

My Prince of DarknessOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz