Chapter 46

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I named my kitten Jörmungandr (Gandr for short) and everyone has a problem with it. But no one complained whenever I named Loki Loki...


The next few days passed quickly, until it was already Friday. I found myself quickly getting through my classes for the day before I went home with four hours to spare before I had to leave for Namjoon and Taehyung's graduation. I spent two hours making sure everything was clean before I went with Yoongi, Jimin, Jungkook and Hoseok to go and buy some alcohol. Hoseok was surprisingly chill with everything, and got along with the four of us really well despite only really knowing Jimin and Jungkook. 

Yoongi and Jimin were the ones to pick out the alcohol, while Hoseok and Jungkook stood back. Yoongi and I were the only ones old enough to buy the alcohol, but Jimin was insanely bold (and had a fake ID apparently, cause I didn't know until now that the boy was twenty like Jungkook).

And Yoongi still lets him indulge.

I watched a bit disapprovingly as Yoongi and Jimin picked out a couple different kinds of alcohol, ranging from wine coolers to fruity vodka to cinnamon whiskey.

They really plan to go hard, I see.

I hope Taehyung and Namjoon can handle this much alcohol.

I wonder if Namjoon has ever drank before?

He seems trouble maker enough to have done it maybe once...

I frowned at the possibility.

Not like it matters, since we're buying alcohol for them right now.

Whenever we had the alcohol, we quickly went to my apartment to drop it off before we high tailed it to Taehyung and Namjoon's high school, courtesy of Jungkook's diligent directions since Namjoon hadn't messaged me this morning the school he went to.

Stupid brat, asking me to come and not remembering to tell me where the school even was...

Regardless, we were soon seated in a stadium instead of an auditorium. The graduating class hadn't come outside yet, so it was just the mass amounts of families in the bleachers. The five of us sat down, Jungkook, Hoseok and I on an seat higher than Yoongi and Jimin, who sat next to each other on the empty space in front of us. Yoongi put his jacket on Jimin the moment the boy even slightly shivered, despite Jimin's soft protests that Yoongi would be cold. Yoongi ignored him though, and instead pulled Jimin up against him as he always did, and the two cuddled as we waited for the graduates to come out onto the field.

After about fifteen minutes, the graduates finally began to pour out onto the field in a single file line. Jungkook quickly stood up and grabbed a camera, zooming in on the expensive thing to try and find Taehyung on it.

"Oh--I found them." Jungkook said with a grin and pointed. "They're right next to each other."

"They are? That's convenient." Hoseok said with a frown as he looked to where Jungkook was pointing. I looked too, and though I couldn't tell which ones they were, I knew the general direction they were.

"They have the last name, I think. Namjoon's family name is Kim, isn't it?" Jungkook asked, looking at me.

"Yeah. Kim Namjoon." I confirmed.

"Taehyungie's family name is Kim too. How convenient."

I hummed, trying to zero in on who Namjoon was. You'd think the buff, tall high schooler would be easy to spot, but not whenever he was wearing the same thing as everyone else.

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