Chapter 21

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I just made that picture in a poster buying website...and I'm so tempted to buy it...

For those of you that don't know who that man is, heed my warning, don't look it up. Not many people can handle my extremely dark humor. However, if you choose to ignore my warning, his name is Albert Fish. Very interesting to read about him. Look it up if you're curious sksksk.

And don't hate me for it.

Should I buy that though and hang it up...?


Thursday 10:37 PM

Seokjin: Goodnight Joonie.

Thursday 10:51 PM

Joonie: So you won't talk to me about our obvious problems, but you'll tell me goodnight after you blocked me and said you won't talk to me again?

Seokjin: Since when do you even want to talk about our problems?
Why are you turning everything into a fight today?
What is wrong with you?
I just wanted to say good night.
Is that a crime now?

Joonie: Stop talking to me.


Friday 1:27 AM

Seokjin: Men Joni

Joonie: Didn't I tell you to stop talking to me?

Seokjin: Jdt becse you trll mr to stop taking to yyi doent men I hve to@@

Joonie: Are you fucking drunk?
Is getting drunk in the middle of the night how you always take care of your problems?
You just forget them until morning?

Seokjin: Wjat?

Joonie: Every time something goes wrong between us, you get drunk and start messaging me.
I'm not going to take care of you this time.
You're on your own.

Seokjin: I dn't nednyou to take tare of mr

Joonie: Clearly.
Go to bed, Jin.
And don't talk to me again.

Seokjin: Sgow sime redpect to yout elfers!

Joonie: You aren't the kind of person I want to respect.



~Namjoon's POV~

Even though I had told him that, I still found myself worried about him (to my annoyance). I was worried that he would get hurt. What if he had gotten drunk and had been texting me from outside his apartment? Did he get home okay? Or was he at home? Would he still be okay? What if he fell down and hurt himself? Or threw up? Or choked on something?

I was pissed off at myself for worrying about him. A part of me really wanted to get over him and stop worrying. But the other part couldn't. I knew he didn't mean anything bad and that he was just scared to meet or like anyone online. I could tell. But...

It stills hurts when he rejects me.

I took in a deep breath, trying to ignore the urge to sneak out and go see him. I still knew his address. I remembered it and wrote it down. Don't ask why, because...I don't know.

I'm too worried about him...

"Fucking hell..." I groaned, laying back in bed and exasperatedly hitting my forehead.

"I'm not going to go to him."

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