Chapter 28

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Sunday 9:04 AM

Joonie: Hyung!
Are you awake?!

Seokjin: I woke up a few minutes ago.

Joonie: I just woke up two hours ago.
I was waiting for a little longer so I wasn't bombarding you with messages at the ass crack of dawn.

Seokjin: Oh.
Good morning then, Joonie.

Joonie: Good morning, hyung!

I didn't expect things to get back to being so smooth so soon after us starting to talk again...
Though admittedly, I did kind of miss talking to him.
Something about the way his sweet personality shines through when he texts me...
I wonder if I'm the only one to ever see his sweet and cuddly side?

Seokjin: Do you ever act so cute with your friends?

Joonie: Huh? 😳
That's a bit out of the blue...
Do you think I'm cute, hyung?

Seokjin: You're my adorable dongsaeng.
Of course I find you cute.

Joonie: Aww~
You're gonna make me blush~

Seokjin: 🙄
Answer my question.

Joonie: Eh...
I'm a hardass to everyone else.
That Joon that shoved you into a wall and started yelling?
That's my usual edgy assholish self.

Seokjin: Why do you act like that in real life when you're so sweet online?

Joonie: You can't judge me through a computer screen for trying to be cute.

Seokjin: I'm not judging you for being cute, Joonie.
Hardass Joonie scares me.
I would rather see the sweet Joon.
You're a lot bigger than I thought you were, too.
I hope you realize that you scared the absolute shit out of me.

Joonie: I'm sorry, hyung.

Seokjin: It's fine.
But don't do that again.

Joonie: I won't!
I swear on my adulthood!

Seokjin: Just because you're legally an adult doesn't mean you are an adult, Joonie.
Enjoy being a child for a little while longer.
Being eighteen doesn't mean that you should let the world weigh down on your shoulders all at once.
Take it in slowly or you'll end up a jaded asshole like me.

Joonie: You aren't a jaded asshole, hyung.
You're adorable.
Pictures do you no justice, fyi.

Seokjin: You better not start flirting, Joon.
I'm not above blocking you again.

Joonie: You always unblock me eventually whenever I'm flirting.
So I'm not afraid of that anymore, hyung.
Block me if you dare.

Seokjin: Or what?
The big bad cuddle bug is gonna come for me?
You don't even know where I live.

Joonie: For all you know, I could be the ultimate hacker, with all your details at my fingertips right now.

Seokjin: You aren't, and you don't.

Joonie: Yeah, but I could be.

Seokjin: You just confirmed that you aren't.

Joonie: But I could be.

Seokjin: 🙄
What are you getting at, Joonie?
Is the big bad cuddle bug actually gonna come knocking on my door or something?

Joonie: I might. 😳
It's the weekend so school is out...
Meaning I could show up at your doorstep for cuddles...

Seokjin: Sure.
If you knew where I lived.

Joonie: I don't think that would be much of a problem.

Seokjin: 🙄
From the way you sounded, I don't think you're brave enough to cuddle with me.
You fear being judged, after all.
Would you be brave enough to cuddle with me?

Joonie: Sure I would.
I'm not a pussy.

Seokjin: Yah...
I'm letting you get away with cussing and I'm doing it myself...
But no words like that.

Joonie: Why?
Do you prefer dick?
I know I do. 😏

Seokjin: 🙄





Joonie: Hyung?

This person has blocked you.

Joonie: 🥺

This person has blocked you.

Blocking You | NamjinWhere stories live. Discover now