Chapter 27

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Saturday 9:36 PM

Joonie: Hyung.


Saturday 10:02 PM

Joonie: Are you going to ignore me?
That's real mature.


Saturday 10:13 PM

Seokjin: I was taking a shower...

Joonie: Fine.
We need to talk.

Seokjin: Not really...
We were just fine the way we were before.

Joonie: I don't believe you when you said you hate me.

Seokjin: Well...
I think that's a you problem.
Not a me problem.

Joonie: It's an 'US' problem.

Seokjin: How is it an 'US' problem?

Joonie: We need to fix our relationship.

Seokjin: What relationship...

Joonie: We just met earlier today, didn't we, hyung?

Seokjin: Yeah...

Joonie: Our friends are dating, too.

Seokjin: What the hell does that have to do with you and I and our nonexistent relationship?

Joonie: I think fate is trying to draw us together.

Seokjin: I don't believe in fate.

Joonie: That's fine.
It only takes one believer.
From the beginning, our fates were intertwined.

Seokjin: Honey...
You sound like you need to be locked up in a hospital right now.

Joonie: 🙄
Just hear me out.

Seokjin: What do you want...

Joonie: I just want to talk.
Talk out our differences and see if we can at least try to be friends again?

Seokjin: After you slammed me into a wall at started yelling at me?
You aren't even going to apologize first?

Joonie: I'm sorry, hyung.
I was a bit...overwhelmed, I guess.
To see you again, and to be actually meeting you.
I didn't expect it.

Seokjin: Neither did I but I didn't start yelling at you either, now did I?

Joonie: Sorry...

Seokjin: It's fine.
I knew you were weird from the get go.

Joonie: 😅
So are we cool?

Seokjin: I suppose.

Joonie: So...
Did you actually mean it when you said you hated me...?

Seokjin: No.
I was just angry.
I didn't mean it.

Joonie: Good to hear.
I want to talk to you more, but I got to go.
My parents are expecting me to eat dinner with them. 😒
Can we talk tomorrow?
Just like we used to?

Seokjin: That's fine.
I'll try.
And be nice to your parents, Joonie.
I know it doesn't seem or feel like it when you're a teenager, but your parents wouldn't be so strict with you if they didn't care.
Lay off on them some, would you?

Joonie: Had you of said that at any other time, I would have been mad at you for meddling.
But fine.
I'll try to look at it from their point of view, for at least tonight.
Good night, hyung.
I'll talk to you tomorrow.

Seokjin: Goodnight, Joonie.

That...went a lot better than I expected it to.

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