Chapter 11

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Sunday 11:32 AM

Joonie: Hyung?
I miss you.

Sunday 12:04 PM

Seokjin: We literally talked last night.
I thought you were mad at me?

Joonie: I was.
But then I started to miss you.
I really missed you. 🥺
I've missed you for hours now.
I only just built up the courage to talk to you again.

Seokjin: Why did you have to build up courage to talk to me?
And how could you miss me for hours?
Did you not go to sleep last night?

Joonie: Because I thought you would be mad at me for not listening to you when you told me that you didn't want to go on a date.
And no, I didn't sleep last night.
I can sleep tonight.
I don't like to waste my time sleeping on the weekends.

Seokjin: I'm not mad at you.
And Joonie, you need your sleep.
You can't stay up like that.

Joonie: I don't like to go to sleep on the weekends.
It's a waste of my valuable free time.
My parents always work on the weekends.
So I get to do what I want without worrying about them being around.

Seokjin: Still...
You're a growing man.
It's unhealthy to not sleep.

Joonie: Aww, hyung...
Are you worried about me? 🥰

Seokjin: Yes I am.
I don't want you to get sick.

Joonie: 😳
I was expecting you to deny it and call me an idiot.
Do you actually care about me, hyung? 😳🤗🥰😚😘

Seokjin: Of course I care about you.
Please be mindful of your health?
I don't want you to get sick.

Joonie: If I were to get sick...
Would you nurse me back to health?

Seokjin: No.

Joonie: Damn.

Seokjin: Are you tired, Joonie?

Joonie: A little.

Seokjin: Then you should go to sleep.

Joonie: But I want to talk to you...

Seokjin: We can talk later.
You need to get your rest.
So go to sleep willingly, or I'll block you until tomorrow morning so you can't talk to me.

Joonie: 🥺
Fine, but...
When I wake up, can we talk?

Seokjin: If it isn't the middle of the night when you do, I don't mind.
Go to sleep.

Joonie: Okay...
I'm holding you to that, hyung...

Seokjin: Goodnight.

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