Chapter 25

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I did something with the cover.

Horrible quality, but at least it isn't just a Namjoon picture anymore lol.


Two months later...

"Hyung! Please?"

"No, Jungkook. I don't know them."

"But...I don't know them either! Taehyungie said I could invite whoever I want to! I don't want to go alone and only know Taehyung! Everyone will be talking to Taehyung!"

"That doesn't mean you need to drag me to an eighteen year old's birthday party!"

"It isn't just you!" He whined. "Hoseok hyung is coming too!"

"That stripper guy you met?"

"He isn't a stripper! He pole dances!"

"Same thing."

"It isn't! He dances on a pole with his clothes on! And it isn't sexy! It's cool!"

"This isn't persuading me."

"Please, hyung? You and Hobi hyung are the only ones I could ask! Yoongi hyung and Jiminie are going on a date that day and can't come..."

I sighed. "Why can't you and Hoseok go on your own?"

"Because I want you to go with me too! Please hyung? I'll buy you a meal!"

"No, Jung--"

"Two meals!"



I sighed. "Do you want me to go with you that badly?"

"Yes." He said, giving me a big pair of puppy eyes. "Please hyung? It will be so awkward without someone else to talk to...and I mean--I can introduce you to him! I think...he might ask me out tonight!" He said with a big grin. "I hope he asks me out tonight!"

"You've had sex with him countless times and you aren't even official?" I asked with a frown.

"You've never dated anybody. You wouldn't understand." He stuck his tongue out at me, before he excitedly ran off. I sighed, watching as he took off running across the parking lot to his car. I shook my head disapprovingly, before I got in my car and headed home.

He didn't even tell me when and where this party was.


~Namjoon's POV~

"I work on your birthday."

"Seriously?! You can't call in?! It's your best friend's--your ONLY friend's--birthday! EIGHTEENTH birthday!"

I pulled my phone away from my ear whenever I heard his loud ass voice through the speaker. I grumbled quietly under my breath at the loud bitch before I replied.

"I can't just take off of work for a birthday party, Taehyung. I can't go."

"I mean--you work at a coffee shop, don't you? I'll just have it there!"

"Who the hell celebrates their birthday in a coffee shop? Look Taehyung, whatever. What time is it? I might be able to stop by for a few minutes if it isn't too late."

"It starts at two p.m. and ends at six! I invited that college boy I'm talking to, so it had to be after noon. Can you make it at two?"

I sighed. "Maybe. I start work at three thirty. I may be able to stop by for a few minutes, but I won't be able to stay long, got it?"

"Alright! It's at my house! My parents will be out on my birthday so I can throw a party with just my friends."

" many of these other friends are you going to have there?"

"Not a whole lot. But does it matter? You won't be there long anyway. I told Kookie that he could invite some people too. He's a little shy around new people so I thought I'd let him invite some of his friends so he can feel better being there. I doubt he'll bring more than three people though, if even that. So in total...ten to fifteen people?"


"Hey! Can't you do it for your best friend?! I'm the only one you got, whether you like it or not, bub!"

I rolled my eyes, though he was right. In this entire world, Taehyung was the only person that ever took my side on things--whether I liked it or not. If our personalities didn't clash so bad, he would actually be quite a good friend to have around.

Hence the term 'frienemies'.

Regardless of whether or not I like him, or whether I see him more as a friend or an enemy, he still is my friend. I guess I really shouldn't miss his eighteenth birthday. Especially since he spent time with me on it when no one else did.

Even if it's only a few minutes, I'll stop by to tell him happy birthday.

But what the hell should I get him?

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