Chapter 22

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Friday 8:47 AM

Today is going to be a horrible day.

Not only did I wake up with a massive headache and hangover, but I also made a fool out of myself to Namjoon.


And...he pointed out a lot of things. Bad habits I have...

Do I really drink away my problems?

Am I that bad?

I found that I wasn't the only one that was in such bad shape today though. Whenever Jungkook came limping through the door with Jimin carrying his bags and Yoongi helping him limp, my heart sank. Despite the pain in my head, I quickly went to go and help them.

"What happened to you, Jungkookie?" I asked with wide eyes whenever the three of us had him sitting down.

Jungkook gave me a sheepish smile and leaned over, whispering in my ear, "I...made a mistake.."

"What kind of mistake?" I hissed in a whisper back at him. "Did someone hurt you?!"

"N-No!" He shook his head quickly, earning a suspicious glance from Yoongi and (kind of) Jimin. "" He blushed. "I..had sex with the guy I told you about yesterday..." He said, his lip trembling. "I don't know what to do..."

I frowned at the news. "Kookie..." I worriedly pat his head. "It's okay. You just...can't tell anyone, okay? It'll be okay."

"But..." He curled his lip, looking like he was about to cry. "What if someone finds out?"

"Why are you whispering like you're in trouble with the mafia?" Yoongi asked before I could say anything. I looked over my shoulder at him to shush him, but he was glaring at us. "Are you going to share your problem with your other friends, or keep it to yourself? What's wrong, Jungkook?"

Jungkook instinctively ducked away from Yoongi's glare, hugging me tightly and letting out a pout. "Hyung..." He whined to me.

"Yoongi hyung, leave Jungkookie alone. If he doesn't want to share with us, then he doesn't have to." Jimin scolded, moving between me and Yoongi to keep us apart. "Focus on me!" He pouted.

Jimin placed his hands on Yoongi's thighs and let out a little whine, that seemed to melt away Yoongi's anger...and change it to something else. Yoongi gulped, before he stood up and grabbed Jimin, carrying his boyfriend out of the room. "See you later." He mumbled as he carried off an excited looking Jimin.

"Where do you think they're going?" Jungkook asked as we watched them leave.

"Probably to fuck in the back of Yoongi's creeper van."

"Oh..." Jungkook blushed at that. "I wonder how is it that Jimin is never limping whenever he and Yoongi the dirty. Do you think hyung is big?"

I frowned at Jungkook. "How should I know? I don't go around looking at my friend's ding dongs."

Jungkook snorted at the choice in censorship. "You can say dick, hyung. No one is here yet to hear us talk."

"I don't know how big Yoongi's dick is, Jungkook. That's a weird topic, so drop it."

"But I'm curious! Do you think he's small? Or maybe he's just really gentle with Jiminie in bed?"

Definitely not gentle. I've heard what Yoongi used to do to girls back in high school before he knew he was gay.

"Come on, hyung! Talk!"

I rolled my eyes. "I don't know, Jungkook. Did it ever occur to you that maybe Jimin is just a pro at being dicked down? Keep in mind that you were a virgin."

Jungkook blushed whenever I said that. "W-Was it that obvious?!"


"W-Well you're still a virgin! So haha!"

I rolled my eyes at him. "I'm saving myself for someone special. At least my first won't be going to a kid."

"He's not a kid! He was huge! He was like--woah! Wow! Damn kind of huge! I couldn't walk at all whenever he was done with me, and we only went once!"

"Or maybe he's just bad and hurt you more than an experienced man would've..."

"No! He was really good! I've never screamed so loud in my life! I'm glad his parents weren't home..."

"Do we have to talk about everyone's sex life before class?"

"What are you talking about?" Yoongi's voice startled us both into looking back over. Both our eyes widened whenever we saw him limping a little, while Jimin was walking just fine. We exchanged wide eyed stares, before we both just gave him our best 'we didn't do it' smiles as we tried not to laugh.

What do you know?

Evidence shows a bottom Yoongi.


Flashback three minutes ago...






They never got to the sex part.

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