Chapter 26

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"Jungkook, you're dragging me to this party but you're going to make all three of us late!" I scolded, while this Hoseok dude just casually sat on Jungkook's bed waiting.

"Eeeee! I don't know what to wear! What if he asks me out tonight?! What if after I say yes, he wants to do the dirty?! I gotta be prepared for both! I gotta look good tonight!" He whined, making me roll my eyes.

"Just wear your normal clothes. If you wear something super good then you'll feel let down if he doesn't ask you out." Hoseok said with an unamused expression. "It's just an eighteen year old's birthday party. I seriously doubt he's gonna care what you wear. Especially if it's just gonna end up on the floor tonight anyway."

Jungkook blushed at his words. "I-I mean...that isn't set and stone..."

"Haven't you two been having sex like every week lately?" I asked with a frown. "You've barely been able to walk into class on your own every Monday. You've needed help."

Jungkook twiddled his fingers, a shy smile and blush on his obvious face. "W-Well..."

"So just wear your normal clothes. He's eighteen. He isn't going to care what you wear. Just find something that hugs your ass and let's go." Hoseok said, standing up and leaving to go get in the car.

I nodded, agreeing with him wholeheartedly even though I barely knew the guy.

Jungkook pouted a little, but obediently pulled on his tightest pair of skinny jeans and ran out the door after us.

After a long ride full of awkward silence between me and Hoseok and Jungkook fretting about how his ass looked in his pants, we finally got to this kid's house.

Only one car was there when we arrived.

"Uh...Jungkook...did you get the right time?" I asked with a frown. "You said it starts at one fifty five, right?"

"No. It starts at two. I just wanted to get here early so I could hog Taehyung for a few minutes." He said blatantly, jumping out of the car and excitedly running up to the door.

Hoseok and I both exchanged unamused looks, before we followed after the boy. He had just knocked on the door whenever we got to him.

The door opened pretty quickly. On the other side, was a strikingly handsome young man. He smiled widely whenever he saw Jungkook, taking the boy's hand and pulling him inside happily. "Hey." He said in a similarly striking deep voice, his tone laced with something flirtatious.

"Hi Taehyungie!" Jungkook said with a big smile, pecking Taehyung on the nose before he turned to Hoseok and I. "These are my two friends Hoseok hyung and Seokjin hyung!" He introduced, pointing at us both as he respectively said our names.

Hoseok gave him a nod as Taehyung motioned for us to come in. I shut the door behind us and offered him a smile.

"Happy birthday!" Jungkook said before we could exchange greetings. Jungkook pinched Taehyung's cheek and cooed, hanging all over Taehyung, who didn't seem to mind one bit.

"Thank you, cutie." He said, kissing Jungkook's nose back before he pointed to where the kitchen was. "There are some drinks and snacks over there and there's a bunch of entertainment set up over there--" He said, pointing in a different direction. "More people should be getting here in a couple minutes. I'm gonna head up to my room and change out of my pajamas real quick. Is that cool?"

"No problem here." Hoseok said, already wandering off.

"Can I come with?" Jungkook asked, curling his lip and giving him puppy eyes.

"Sure you can." Taehyung said with a little smirk, wrapping his arm around Jungkook and leading him upstairs.

They better not start fucking.

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