Chapter 36

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Should I start leaving more pictures?

I don't know how many new armies might be reading this 🤔 but I know when I first became an army, I would save every single picture I saw in faafictions I read, because they were usually ones you wouldn't find easily by searching.

Should I start filling this book up with pictures in case any of you don't have them? 🤔


~Namjoon's POV~



Taehyung nearly died coughing up a lung whenever I burst into his room without any warning. I snickered at him, before my eyes fell on and focused on his little boyfriend who looked just as surprised and maybe even a little embarrassed that I was here.

"Hey, you're Jungkook, aren't you? Seokjin hyung's friend?"

Jungkook looked confused whenever I spoke to him. He nodded, while Taehyung sent me a glare.

"What business do you have with my boyfriend?"

I rolled my eyes at the possessive asshole. "I just want to talk to him. I came over here to see if I could get his number from you, but now it looks like I don't have to."

"What do you want to talk about?" They asked in unison, with totally different tones. Jungkook was extremely confused, and Taehyung was pissed.

"Do you know what general courses Jin hyung is enrolling in next semester?" I asked as I came over, pulling Taehyung's desk chair away from his desk and straddling the chair backwards to look at Jungkook.

The boy frowned, scrunching his nose cutely as he thought about it. "I'm not sure which ones he's decided on, but...I could tell you which ones he's already taken...if you tell me why you're asking. How do you know my hyung, anyway?"

"We met online. Taehyung and I plan to enroll in UOS, where you and Jin hyung are going. I just want to figure out which classes he's going to be taking so I can 'magically' be enrolled in them too."

"OH!" Taehyung suddenly busted out whenever I finished. "HE'S THE DUDE THAT HAS YOUR PANTIES IN A WAD SO BAD! YOU FELL IN LOVE WITH HIM?!" Taehyung practically hollered, rolling around on his bed and howling his laughter. I grabbed an eraser from his desk and threw it at the asshole, but he kept laughing. I glared at him, before I looked at Jungkook.

"Well? Does that answer your question good enough?"

"I suppose, do I know you won't hurt my hyung?" Jungkook asked warily.

"I won't. We've already talked through that. We've met again, too. I annoy the fuck out of him, but I'd like to think he trusts me." I said, shrugging.

He frowned, still cautious, but hummed. "Right...well, enrollment for freshmen starts a little while after existing students start reenrolling, and usually Seokjin hyung, Yoongi hyung, Jimin hyung and I all go together to reenroll. So...I could just tell you which two he chooses then. Hours and everything. We usually choose the same ones anyway."

" is his real name?" I hummed with a little smile, before I pulled out my phone. "Can I have your number?"

"No." Taehyung hissed, but Jungkook slapped his thigh and made him back off.

"Of course you can have my number." He said with a smile. He took my phone and typed in his number while Taehyung begrudgingly hugged him and watched, before Jungkook gave me my phone back. "There. Just text me whenever you need anything."

"'Kay." I mumbled as I set his contact. "Oh, and..." I looked up at Jungkook. "Who are Yoongi hyung and Jimin hyung?"

"They're our friends. Yoongi hyung is Seokjin hyung's friend from high school, and Jimin hyung is Y--"

"They've known each other a long time?" I asked with a frown. "They are just friends, right? Do they have any...history?"

Jungkook frowned. "If you'd have let me finish, you would know. No, they don't have history. My hyung is a virgin, and Yoongi hyung and Jimin hyung are dating. Very happily, I might add. So you don't have to get jealous."

"Good." I mumbled with a frown. "So...has Jin hyung ever dated anyone?"

Jungkook scrunched his nose again as he thought about it. "I don't know. I doubt it. He doesn't seem to want to put any time into a relationship or anything. He wants to focus on his education. So...probably not."

"Hmm." I could have figured that out on my own. "Well...thanks. I'm gonna head back home now."

"Bye." Jungkook said with a little innocent smile, while Taehyung...

"Hurry up and get lost, bitch."

I glared at Taehyung, before I smiled and bid Jungkook goodbye before I went to walk back home.

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