Chapter 16

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I just realized that I forgot to mark this story as mature...

🤡 Oops. Hope there weren't any innocent babies reading this.


Sunday 4:51 AM

"Careful, hyung." He mumbled as he held my hips, steadying me. He helped me stumble to my bedroom, where he had me sit down on my bed. I whined whenever he turned to leave the room, but he ignored me. He came back a few minutes later to me laying on the floor. He sighed and picked me up, putting me back on the bed and sitting down on the bed next to me, holding a warm wet rag. He gently wiped my face, rubbing off drying vomit and sweat. Then, he observed my ruined shirt.

"I'm going to change you, hyung. You're covered in vomit." He mumbled, and I grunted.

"Be gentle with me." I mumbled back, and he gave me a look before he carefully pulled off my shirt, being careful to not touch the vomit or get it on me. He left my pants on and went to rummage in my closet. I vaguely recognized my alpaca onesie he pulled out with a fond smile, before he put it back and grabbed a different onesie--a blue koala. He came over and set aside the onesie, before he closed his eyes and pulled my pants off of me. I watched him with unfocused but curious eyes as he tried to dress me in the onesie with his eyes closed. He managed after trial and error, and he zipped it up before he opened his eyes.

He gave me a soft smile as he stared down at me in my onesie. Next, he patted the bed. "Lay down, hyung. It's time for bed."

"Are you gonna stay with me?" I slurred and held up my arms expectantly. He gave me a sad smile before he picked me up and held me with one arm as he pulled back the covers with the other. I cuddled into his embrace as he did, and whined quietly whenever he sat me back down on the bed. He pulled the covers over me, and tucked me in.

"I'm sorry hyung, but I can't stay with you. I have to get home. But regardless, promise me that you'll go to bed?"

I whined, but nodded obediently. "I love you, Namjoonie." I mumbled, and I saw a little blush on his face at my words.

"I love you too, hyung." He said with a small smile, before he kissed my forehead and went to the door. He turned off the lights, before he left the room. A minute later, I heard my front door close, before I drifted off to sleep.

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