Chapter 20

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Thursday 3:13 PM

Seokjin: How was school?

Thursday 3:38 PM

Joonie: Fine.
I have a lot of homework to do.

Seokjin: Are you still doing well in school?
How are your grades?

Joonie: They're fine.
All passing.

Seokjin: Good.






Joonie: I'm walking home.
We can talk later.

Seokjin: Oh.
Okay...then message me when you're home??

Joonie: K.

He...really isn't interested in talking to me anymore, is he?
Or is it something else?
I really don't understand him...

Thursday 5:04 PM

Seokjin: Joonie...
You never messaged me!
😠 Do you enjoy making your hyung worry?

Joonie: I told you I have homework to do.
I'm busy.

Seokjin: Since when does your homework take precedence over me to you?!

Joonie: Since you rejected me over and over and blocked me for a month.

Seokjin: Why are you giving me such attitude?
I thought we were good?
We've been chatting normally for the past two weeks.
Why are you just now getting agitated at me?
What did I do?

Joonie: Look, I'm just not in the mood to talk to anyone right now.
Just leave me alone, would you?
I'm trying to get stuff done and you keep bothering me.

Seokjin: Fine.
Be like that.
I won't talk to you again!

Joonie: 🙄
Fine, what do you want to talk about?

This user has blocked you.


~Namjoon's POV~

"Seriously? He blocked me again?"

Taehyung looked up whenever I spoke. The mischievous bastard smirked whenever I said that, and reached to snatch my phone. For the first time in forever, he actually succeeded in grabbing it. He looked at my messages with Seokjin before I could snatch my phone back, and laughed aloud, disrupting all the other people in the library.

"You're flirting with an older guy that doesn't like you? Seriously man?" He teased, making me groan in annoyance. I stole back my phone and punched him hard on the shoulder.

"Tell the whole damn world, why don't you?" I spat, making him smile innocently.

"I'm just excited. You never talk to anyone, much less flirt with them! I thought I was your only friend!" He said, making a kissy face at me. I cringed at him before I locked my phone and pocketed it.

"Shut the hell up. And stop making that ugly face."

Taehyung stuck his tongue out at me. "Whatever man. I have better things to do than talk about your love life. Like talk to the love of my life."

"You mean that Kookie boy who stopped talking to you because you're a minor? Yeah, he isn't going to talk to you again." I said bitterly. Flashbacks of Seokjin refusing me constantly due to my age came back just at the thought. "You might as well just give up on him. He isn't going to like you back."

"Shut up, you grumpy bitch. He started texting me again. He told me that he was just scared because I was a minor. I told him that I'll be eighteen in two months and he felt better about it. We just have to wait until I am legal." He said, snickering at me. But the moment his phone dinged that he had a message, his eyes were immediately off of me.

"Speak of the devil." He said with that stupid boxy grin of his.

God I hate his smile. It's so...


"Hey! He wants to go out!" Taehyung squealed, making everyone in the library look at us again. I shot him a glare, as did the librarian.

"Please keep it down." The grumpy librarian scolded, making Taehyung bow his head sheepishly.

"Yes ma'am..." He said with an innocent smile. That same boxy grin that I hate, was also the same smile that seemed to melt women's hearts.

Why can't I have a smile like that? Why does Taehyung have everything? His parents are good to him, he has great grades, friends, a boyfriend now who is in the same situation as me and Seokjin--and yet that Kookie guy is fine with Taehyung?

Why the hell can't something go right for me for once?

"Did you hear me dude?"

"What?" I growled under my breath.

Taehyung frowned at my pissed off tone, but didn't comment on it. "I'm heading off to meet Kookie. So you're going home on your own."

"Whatever man. Just go. Don't keep your lover boy waiting." I grumbled, rolling my eyes at him.

Taehyung glared at me. "Shut the fuck up, dude. Just because your love life sucks doesn't mean you should shit on mine. Maybe you've just got the wrong dude? Just go find someone else." He grumbled back, before he turned and high tailed it out of the library.

That dumbass wouldn't understand love if it hit him in the balls and screamed in his face.

Don't take that in a sexual context.


Thursday 8:24 PM

"F-Fuck, Taehyungie!"


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