Chapter 18

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Wednesday 6:28 PM

Joonie: I missed you too.

Wednesday 7:31 PM

Seokjin: Are you still mad at me?

Joonie: I told you I wasn't mad.
I just needed to collect my thoughts.
I'm sorry it took so long.

Seokjin: Three days in comparison to my month of absence is nothing, Joon.
You could have taken more time and I would have understood.
I missed talking to you.
From the sweetness to even your flirting, it had all become endearing to me.
I promise I won't run off again.

Joonie: You better not.
I'm choosing to forgive you.
But I don't give second chances.
So don't ruin this, hyung.

Seokjin: I won't.

Joonie: With benefits, preferably.😏

Seokjin: 🙄
There's the Joonie I know.

Joonie: 😘

Seokjin: 😤

Joonie: 😳
What's gotten into you?!

Seokjin: Did you just stutter through text?

Joonie: YES!
You sent a kissing face back...😳
What does that mean?

Seokjin: Nothing

Joonie: You can't do that and call it nothing! 🥺

Seokjin: What do you expect me to call it?

Joonie: Flirting...🤭

Seokjin: Nope.

Joonie: 😥
You said you missed my flirting...

Seokjin: I'm starting to get annoyed by it again already.

Joonie: But...
I'm serious...😔
I wouldn't be trying so hard to flirt with someone if I weren't serious about the way I feel.
I really like you, hyung.
Can't you take me more seriously?

This is exactly what caused us to drift apart in the first place...
Can we not just be friends?
Why does it feel like I'm always going in circles with him?

Seokjin: I don't know...
The idea of liking someone you've never even met in person is just...
Really silly and unrealistic to me.
I don't know what to say to you half the time when you talk like this.

Joonie: Fine...

Seokjin: I'm sorry, Joonie.

Joonie: It's fine.
I don't care anymore.
I'm just happy that I get to talk to my hyung again.

Seokjin: Yeah, okay...


Why does it feel like everything I say to him just makes him grow even more distant?
Am I wrong to feel the way I feel?
To be cautious about liking someone I just met online two months ago?

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