Chapter 2

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Friday 4:43 PM

Unknown: Hello?
Oh it actually sent! 😁
Are you there? 😊

Seokjin: What do you want?

Unknown: I just want someone to talk to.
I'm sorry I woke you up late night.

Seokjin: If you want someone to talk to then go talk to one of your friends.

Unknown: So how has your day been?

Did he just ignore me?

Seokjin: Fine.

Unknown: I hope it gets better for you then!

Seokjin: Why do you care?

Unknown: Because you seem like you would be a nice person.
And nice people deserve to have good days. 😊

Seokjin: All I've been is rude to you.

Unknown: But all I've been is annoying to you.

Seokjin: Fair enough.
Nice to see that doesn't bother you to annoy people.
Why is it that you're bothering me?
Do you have no one else to talk to right now?

Unknown: ...Pretty much.

Seokjin: Fine then.

Unknown: But I wanna get to know you!
It's always nice to meet new people!

Seokjin: I don't want to.
You're weird.

Unknown: You're judging me before you even know me?
That's really mean...

Seokjin: You messaged me at two a.m. looking for someone random to talk to. Does that not sound weird to you?

Unknown: I suppose, but...
I'm not a weirdo, I promise! I just wanted to meet someone new!
And I want to get to know you!

Seokjin: How would you get to know me? I'm not going to meet you.
You could kidnap me.

Unknown: I'm not a kidnapper...
I really just want to talk to someone...
And you don't have to meet me!
We can play twenty questions! 😊

Seokjin: Why do you keep sending that blushing emoji?
That's just making you seem weirder.

Unknown: I thought it would make me seem friendlier?
Do you want me to stop?
I can.

Seokjin: No, I suppose it's fine.

Unknown: Okay! 😊
So can we play twenty questions and get to know each other?

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