Chapter 7

658 39 0

Friday 7:57 AM


Seokjin: It's too early for your bullshit.

Joonie: You were into my bullshit yesterday? 🤔
You flirted back. 😏

Seokjin: No I didn't.
I was just stating facts.

Joonie: But you admitted you liked my thighs.
You can sit on them if you like.
If you come over.
Or give me your address--

Seokjin: You don't even know my full name.
And you want me to sit on your thighs?

Joonie: Yup.

Seokjin: It's a no.

Joonie: Ugh.
Are all college students this uptight?
Don't you want to mess around while you're young?
And sexy asf?
Please sit on me...🥺
You look like you have a cute ass...😥
I just wanna touch it...😭

Seokjin: Calling me uptight won't help your case.

Joonie: 😒

Seokjin: Show me your grades.

Joonie: If they're good will you sit on my thighs?

Seokjin: If they're good I might tell you my name.

Joonie: [Image.jpg]

The picture was of his transcript, showing he had at least an 85 in all his classes.

Seokjin: Good boy.

Joonie: 🥺
What's your name?

Seokjin: I said I might tell you.
Not that I would.

Joonie: Tell me or I'll send you a dick pic!
Of someone else's tiny hairy limp dick!

Seokjin: Where do you even get these dick pics at?

Joonie: Just search 'small hairy limp dick' on Google.
It's a nightmare what you'll find.

Seokjin: You look up dicks in your free time?

Joonie: No I watch porn.

Seokjin: At least you're honest.

Joonie: Hurry up and tell me your name or I really will send you a picture of a dick.

Seokjin: Please don't.
It's Seokjin.

Joonie: [Image.jpg]

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