Chapter 29

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Sunday 11:17 AM

Seokjin: I've unblocked you.

Sunday 11:28 AM

Joonie: About time! 🥺
I really wanted to talk to my hyung and you blocked me...

Seokjin: If you don't want to be blocked, then don't flirt.

Joonie: But I like flirting with hyung...
And besides, how do you expect a gay man to not flirt with another gay man?
Especially one as cute as you? 😉

Seokjin: My finger is hovering over the block button.

Joonie: Okay okay!
I'm sorry!
Even if it's true. 😌

Seokjin: 🙄
You're lucky you're sweet and cute.
Otherwise I would have reported you for sexual harassment already.

Joonie: Why do I feel a sense of deja vu?
Anyway, I haven't done anything sexual...

Seokjin: Don't tempt me.

Joonie: Into flirting back?

Seokjin: Into blocking you.

Joonie: I'm sorry.
I'll really stop this time.
Just don't block me.

Seokjin: 🙄
Well, at least it's nice to see you back to your old self again, rather than being an edgy jerk.

Joonie: Do you not like my real personality?

Seokjin: Your real personality scares the piss out of me.
We've already been over this.

Joonie: I didn't think I was that bad...
I'm sorry, hyung.
I'll try to be really nice and sweet to you next time.

Seokjin: Next time is right now...

Joonie: I meant next time we meet.
I mean, we will see each other again, won't we?
Since we've already met...

Seokjin: I'm not comfortable being seen in public with a high schooler.

Joonie: Oh...

Seokjin: Don't take that the wrong way, Joonie.
I'm not saying I don't want to be seen with you.
I just mean, you know...
Isn't it illegal to be with a high schooler period...?

Joonie: No...?
As soon as a high schooler turns eighteen, they're free.
Anyone can date you once you're eighteen, as long as they aren't your teacher.
At least, that's how it is here.
I don't know about elsewhere, but here, it's alright.

Seokjin: I don't trust you on that.

Joonie: 🙄
I seriously doubt anyone will care.
And besides.
Do I look like a high schooler to you?

Do I look like a high schooler to you?

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Seokjin: You look young.

Joonie: But not like a high schooler.

Seokjin: Well...
I guess not.
You don't look like a high schooler.

Joonie: But what?
You're making me think you actually don't want to meet again...

Seokjin: No, that isn't it.

Joonie: Then what is it?
What else is the problem?

Seokjin: I don't know.
Maybe the fact that you intimidate the crap out of me?
I know you've apologized, but you still make me a little nervous.

Joonie: I won't hurt you ever again hyung.❤
I swear that.

Seokjin: ...Fine.
But we aren't going to meet up anytime soon.
I need to go.

Joonie: Why?
Can't we talk a little while longer?

Seokjin: No.
I need to go and pay my bills.
Adult stuff, you know.
I live on my own and it's time I start paying them now.

Joonie: But it's the thirty first...

Seokjin: Yeah.
I won't be able to turn in rent tomorrow, and the landlord is really pissy about that.
And since I already have to get rent, I might as well do everything else.
I'm sorry, Joonie.

Joonie: Fine...
I'll see you later then?

Seokjin: Yes.
Probably tomorrow.
Bye, Joon.

Joonie: Bye hyung.

I rolled my eyes at the emojis that he sent, before I turned off my phone and went to go and get ready to leave.

Blocking You | Namjinحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن