Chapter 6

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Before I knew it, a week had passed and we hadn't spoken a bit.
Unlike me, Namjoon never unblocked me. Did it really bother him that much? I just wanted him to do well.
I didn't want him to ruin his life before it even started, with underage smoking and bad grades.

I sighed, as I stared back at the angry messages we had sent between each other.

I didn't know him that well. There could be a reason why he doesn't do well.
Bad situation? Maybe.

I guess snapping at him about it and being so mean and forceful to make him change didn't help.

I felt a tap on my shoulder that brought me out of my thoughts. I looked up as my friend Yoongi sat down next to me.

"Something on your mind? You've been staring at your phone and sighing for awhile now."

"No, it's nothing." I replied, but he gave me a look that said he knew I was lying. But he didn't push it. He never did. He always respected my boundaries and always assumed that I would tell him if it were something important. Which I would.

But this wasn't.

With Yoongi came his cute little boyfriend Jimin following after him a few seconds later. He straddled the bench we were on and clinged to Yoongi like a koala, linking his arms and legs around him and cuddling him. The older didn't bat an eye and began to unpack his bag--with difficulty--taking out his books and preparing for the next class.

I smiled at the cute display. The two were couple goals, though they didn't act like it in front of others. They very rarely argued and were always civil even when they did have a disagreement, which was amazing for Yoongi. He was typically calm and collected in front of others, but if he really disagreed about something he could be very mean. But Jimin did something to him. He's much more patient with Jimin, and lets the small boy get away with just about anything.

Even cuddles in public.

I tried not to coo at Jimin as he tried to crawl into Yoongi's lap and cuddle him. Yoongi wouldn't let him though. Jimin pouted, but obediently leaned on him and waited for the class to begin. When our professor came in the door, I sat back in my seat and sighed before I put my phone away to listen to the ever boring lecture he gave.

Whenever our class ended, Yoongi and Jimin both enlisted me to have lunch with them. And I wasn't given a choice, because Jimin grabbed my hand and excitedly pulled me away to a restaurant that was across the street from the college. But even if he hadn't, I still would have come. Because how could I say no to Jimin's pout?

We were seated in the restaurant and I tried to ignore the fact that I was a third wheel as Jimin cuddled Yoongi as he went through the menu, intending to order for them both.

While we were sitting in the restaurant talking, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, but I ignored it. Whenever we finished lunch, the two ran off to go to their next class while I headed home momentarily. My class wasn't for another hour, so I had time to kill. Whenever I got to my apartment is when I finally checked the notification I had gotten on my phone.

One new message from Joonie

My eyes widened whenever I saw the notification. I quickly opened the chatbox.

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