Chapter 48

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After the little spat and Namjoon's shower, I took him home. He didn't say a single word to me after that, and eventually, a few days passed. I would say good morning and good night to him every day, but he always left me on read as a protest. It made me a bit sad, but I knew he was mad at me. Rightfully so, but...I didn't care.

He needs to quit that bad habit. The sooner the better.

Thursday 7:34 AM

Seokjin: Good morning, Joonie.


As expected, as soon as I sent him the message, he read it and left it on read. I sighed as I walked with Jungkook, Yoongi and Jimin to go and reenroll in our classes. New classes were supposed to start on mid-early March, which was a little under two weeks from now, so we had only today left to reenroll as existing students.

Perks of being an existing student is getting first picks, while freshmen get leftovers. Though for basic classes, some professors only accept freshmen. So they aren't totally fucked, I guess.

"What classes are you going to take, hyung?"

I looked at Jungkook who was smiling curiously at me, waiting for my answer.

"Oh...the last two general courses I need, and anything else I need to graduate by the end of the year."

Jungkook hummed. "You really are a go getter, aren't you? You've been in college for what, four years now? You already have your bachelor's, don't you?"

"No. I took a break midway through getting it, so I have to finish off the rest of my education this year to get it. I only have my associates now."

He hummed. "Still a go getter, though."

"I know."

"Hey Jungkookie!" Jimin suddenly burst into our conversation with his bright smile. "The freshmen are getting their acceptance letters today, right? Do you think Taehyungie would be up for going out to dinner later to celebrate if he gets in?"

The freshmen are getting their acceptance letters today? I didn't even know they had already done testing...

"Yeah. I'm sure he'd love to. But he needs to get accepted, first." Jungkook pointed out. "Namjoon might want to go too, wouldn't he?" Jungkook asked, looking at me.

"Don't know. He's mad at me right now, hasn't said a word to me since the after party." I responded.

"What happened?" Yoongi asked with a frown, finally deciding to join the conversation.

"I took away his cigarettes and told him he could only have three this month if he asked me for them. Needless to say, he wasn't happy about it."

" long has the kid been without them?"

"Almost a week. Why?"

"Damn. He's probably got the shakes by now." Yoongi laughed bitterly. "Poor kid. Prolly going through hell right now."

Jimim had a solemn look on his face. "Poor Joonie...I know how that feels. It sucks."

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