Hastings nodded professionally before getting back to work.

"Alright, I can move this broken piece out of the way." She said as she pulled out said piece of skull, "I'll worry about stapling it back into place once we're sure there's no other damage underneath."

"How bad is it?" he asked standing on the opposite side of the table where he was out of her way but still able to get a good look.

"The bone fragments could be imbedded in primary function tissue, I need to be careful if it is. This procedure will be like driving without a map, only with driving a scalpel into a brain, it could turn him into a vegetable."

Third Person POV

"She needs a doctor!" Bailey cried from her place beside Kaya between the couch and the pillar.

"Calm down, it will be okay." Kaya tried to relax her but Bailey was reaching her last nerve.

"Just let Red help her." She called to the leader who was looking at her from across the room. He made his way over and she stood straighter with each step he took. He grinned at her when he reached her but she kept her chin high hoping that if she seemed determined enough he'd do what she asked to keep her from starting trouble. It was a risky play but Addy was running out of time if they didn't do something.

"Say please." The leader asked before he ran his hand along the side of her face. The touch instantly broke her mask as she tilted her head away and her eyes left his face. A shiver went down her spine at the tone of his voice and his hand on her skin, "Pretty please."

She took a deep breath and put her stony mask back on before looking him dead in the eye, "Please."

He smirked, "And what are you willing to give me in return?"

10K, who had his eyes glued to them, moved to stand up. He didn't think about what he was doing, his instincts to protect Bailey kicked in and the response was automatic. Warren, keeping one hand on Addy's side grabbed the front of his shirt with her other hand and pulled him back down before he got high enough to be noticed.

"I'm sure we can come up with an arraignment. Should we go somewhere more private?" The leader asked.

This time 10K's rage was stronger than Warren's grip as he ripped free of her hold, stood and took a step toward the man, "You lay a hand on her and I swear –"

Two goons grabbed him, one holding him back while the other put the barrel of his automatic rifle to the side of Tommy's head, right behind his ear. The silent threat to his life was enough to shatter Bailey's mask completely this time as she reacted.

"No! Don't hurt him!" she shouted but the leader stood in her way so she couldn't run over and do a thing. She turned to the man, her chest moving rapidly up and down as her fear took over, "It's just his protective instincts. He was just afraid you were going to hurt me."

She tried to keep her voice calm, the defiant act clearly not going to get her anywhere. But maybe if she appeared weak and afraid, which was easy since she was, it might keep her and Tommy safe.

"Are you afraid?" The leader asked and through her ragged breathing she turned to 10K. She couldn't read the look on his face for once, there were too many mixed emotions to tell what he was feeling or if there was anything he was trying to convey. Turning back to the leader she found he was just as difficult to read, with an actual mask on she had no facial expressions to gage and dressed in layers of all black made his body language harder to decipher too. She couldn't tell if he was tense under the black shirt and jacket which would have been helpful to know. Her long hesitation to answer his question also seemed to try his patience. "Come now, what's your answer?"

Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now