Vansh asked in his cold voice. ..this gain the attention of both aryan and riddhima...they both are staring at the phone ...

Am..amm..sweetie ..

She said after recovered from the shock...

Oh ..SWEETIE......never ever call me get it ..

By saying this he cutted the call and took a deep breath.

On the other hand riddhima and  aryan were looking each other ..

They smirked evily ....

Aryan droped riddhima at her apartment and went to his mansion ..

Next day...

As usual riddhima went to office like yesterday lift is not working...she get to know her punishment is not over ..manager informed her to take coffe with her ..this time she made the coffe with more hot ...

While climbing the stairs  ..her legs and back were also paining ...she looked at the coffee..
Then an evil idea struck on her evil mind




Now i will see u will drink ..the coffee which is well mixed with my saliva...

By saying this she started to run to her destination. She is soo excited to see vansh's reaction..

She knocked the door while panting like a dog ..

Come in...

A voice came ..she smirked evily and pushed the door ..vansh saw her .panting heavily ...sweating heavily ..messed hair ...

He smirked at her ...

Make it habbit sweetheart...

He said with a smirk.

Boss coffee..

Riddhima said while placing the cup on  table ignoring his comment. She know he is mocking at her..

He took the coffee and took a sip then frown...

Did u add something special into this ..its tastes sweet ...otherwise its sour

Vansh said while examing the coffee

"What it tastes sweet.....wait and watch from tommorow i will not brush my teeth"...

She said to herself

Sir its newly introduce coffee liquid .if u want i will change the coffee right away..

She said .. i likes it ..makes sure everyday u should add that special liquid in it...if u dare to diobey me ..then get ready to pack ur belongings...

Vansh threatened her

"This much fan for my saliva..sheesh am  an idiot everyday i gulped it down or it stays in my mouth without any use this much demand for my saliva ...i should start a company for saliva ...then this rai singhania will beg for my saliva but i will never give him...."

She thought to herself and mentally patted her shoulder for this much business idea..

Earth calling u Ms.sharma

Vansh's voice bring her on earth...

So Ms.sharma arrange that special liquid for staff also ....haa angre is also here ...give that coffee to him also get it arguments in this matter

Vansh orderd...making her gulped ...she looked at him with wide eyes

Angre also came there for inform vansh about meeting ..

How can she spit on every staff's and employee's coffee..she doesn't have any enmity with poor people's...mostly she done this on her brother karthik when they fight with each other  ...this is her saliva..didn't she have her right on this saliva .here also he is ordering..

Yes sir will be arranged .

She said and turned to go to her cabin..not before giving angre a smirk and flips her hair .

Angre smiled at her attitude..

Vansh were still sipping the coffee and praising its taste in his mind ..

Boss meeting ..

Angre whispered

Vansh noded and finished her coffee faster..


I hope u guys enjoyed ...

Sometimes i did something like this to my sister in her coffee😎😏when she fight with me ....poor she always drink it while praising it also i did it 🤫shhh don't tell to her ...😎😎😏

Pls bare my mistakes

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Good night 😍

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