Chapter 10

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Karl and Sapnap are curled up on the couch while Tubbo happily watched his favorite show 'Loony Tunes' from his spot on the carpet, his stuffed duck in hand, a granola bar in the other.

"They should be home soon," Karl says as he checks the time on his phone. It's been almost an hour since the couple had gone on their date.

Sapnap pulls his husband in closer kissing the side of his head "Yeah they need to get back soon so we can tell them our exciting news"

The brunette nods snuggling closer, hands mindlessly fiddling with his hoodie string "I'm nervous" he admits eyes cast to the diamond ring that circles his left finger.

"I know baby, but everything will work out I just know it" Sapnap smiles, his pointer finger going under Karl's chin tilting his head up "everything will be okay I promise" he reassures once more pressing a loving kiss on his husbands lips.

"Thank you" Karl grins laying his head back down lacing his fingers with Saps

The three continue their lazy morning of cartoons until lunch time nears and Tubbo declares that his stomach requires food more specifically his favorite -A bowl of mac and cheese.

"Alright I'll make some lunch" Karl sighs leaving the warmth of his husband to rummage through the kitchen.

"DO YOU KNOW WHERE THE MAC AND CHEESE IS TUBBO" he laughs standing helplessly in front of the pantry

Little feet patter against the kitchen's tiled floor until they stop in front of the sink "Up there" he points to a cabinet.

Karl thanks the boy reaching up and taking out two boxes of mac and cheese to make.

"Can I help?"

"Of course you can buddy! Why don't you grab me a pot and a spoon"

Tubbo nods happily skipping off to the other side of the island, the loud sounds of clanging pans echoing off the walls "Got them!" He cheers holding one of the biggest pots Karl had ever seen and to make matters even more hilarious Tubbo had grabbed one of his small plastic spoons.

"Oh Tubs that pot is far too big" Karl manages to say in between large amounts of laughter "Why don't you find a much smaller one"

Tubbo glances down at the oversized pot and then back up to the older male "Otay" He smiles, discarding the pot and running back over, Finally bringing back a much more reasonable size.

"Thank you bud"

Karl takes both pot and blue plastic spoon in hand and turns back to the stove.

As the water boils and there isn't much to do other than patiently wait Tubbo (being the six year old he is) grows bored and abandons helping Karl sneaking back to play with his toy duck in the living room.

Karl of course notices the failed attempt of the boy sneaking away, but decides it's better to play along and continue to watch the pot instead

After five long minutes of waiting bubbles start to form in the water, heat admitting from the pot. Karl carefully pours in the pasta.

He peacefully cooks the noodles humming a small tune, but suddenly jumps when a pair of tattoos covered arms wrap around the brunettes waist "Hi baby" Sapnap's voice speaks from behind followed by a kiss being pressed against the column of his neck "I love you so much" He mumbles against the skin

"So" kiss "so" kiss "much"

Giggling Karl turns around wrapping his own arms around Sapnap's neck "I love you" he whispers admiring the man he's married to, a warm fuzzy feeling pulling at his heart.

Truly both of them are smitten with each other.

They bask in their love until Karl must return to lunch which consists of draining the boiled water then stirring in cheese, lastly the meal now needing to be served.

"Come eat boys!" Karl calls placing the last bowl onto the table

Both Tubbo and Sapnap sprint into the kitchen dropping themselves down into chairs before stuffing their faces with food

"This is a really good babe" Sap says with a mouthful of mac and cheese, causing a small laugh from both Tubbo and Karl.

Meal finished and kitchen cleaned Karl stacked the last plate away before dusting off his shirt.

"Can't believe this is going to be our life soon" He sighs, going to stand in front of his husband sitting on the island.

"I know just one more day"

Their lips meet into a soft kiss Sapnap smiling fondly behind "Your so cute" He compliments pecking Karl's forehead "So adorable"

Next was his nose "Handsome"

Cheeks "pretty"

Jaw "hot"

"Okay okay stop we are supposed to be watching Tubbo" Karl giggles shoving his partners face away seeing the sly smirk that had formed on his mouth.

"I love how easy it is to get you worked up" Sapnap laughs, running delicate fingers through the others messy hair.

"God Sap keep it in your pants"

This made both men throw their heads back in laughter, almost missing the sound of the front door opening.

"Oh their home!" Karl states stepping out of Sapnap's hold.

Leaving the kitchen they make their way to the front of the house where the air had gone cold, an uneasy feeling washing over both men.

"Hey is eve-"
"DADDY! DAD!" Tubbo shouts, running into George's body trapping his legs into a tight hold.

"Hey buddy I missed you'' George laughs, lifting the boy onto his hip "Were you good for Karl and Sapnap?" He asks, receiving a happy nod in response.

"That's good buddy," Clay says, ruffling his son's hair. Karl and Sapnap both did not miss the way the couple avoided eye contact.

Though the child could not see the fake smiles that cover true emotions (too oblivious at his young age), Sapnap and Karl definitely did.

"How was your date?" Karl hesitantly asks.

"It was fine" George replied bluntly, sliding his boots off "I think I'm going to shower now though" He hastily leaves without a response running up the stairs to the bathroom.

"Is he alright?" Sapnap asks, taking notice how quickly the Brit had excused himself along with the pain-filled expression the blonds face held.

Clay only sighs, head dropping into his hands, "Tubbo why don't you go outside and play for a bit." He tells the small boy who is more than happy to roll around in the grass for a few hours, maybe even find a few bees that buzz around their backyard garden.

"Dream what the fuck is wrong? I thought going on a date was supposed to be a good thing" Sapnap snaps once the child had left.

"I messed up, that's what happened" The blond harshly answered, sliding down the wall more tears threatening to spill. "We went on a walk to find this small bakery. Everything was fine until his parents somehow were there, and- and I just FUCK!" Clay curls himself deeper into his knees, his voice too strained to continue.

Sapnap gives his husband a motioning look silently asking him to leave. Karl nods, stepping away to play with Tubbo outside.

Sitting down next to his friend Sapnap rubs his back. "It's okay, let it out. You don't need to talk about it right now" He comforts softly "Everything will be okay"

Clay lifts his head, his cheeks stained with salty tears, eyes red and puffy, definitely not what you would expect to see after a date "I don't know Sap. I think I really hurt him" He cries.

"Listen, I don't know what happened between the two of you, but what I do know is that you and George will work it out. You both love each other so much. Heck! you moved to another country for this man so that must mean something"

"I guess" Clay shrugs resting his head onto the others

"Trust me dude everything will be okay."

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