Chapter 21

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Smooth jazz enlightens the place. A small band playing soft tunes one song after the other.

The restaurant was quite fancy; high ceilings with hanging chandeliers, large tanks filled with exotic fish, even its very own water fountain with color-changing lights.

Every detail of the place caught Clay's attention, down to the last shining tile of the floor "This seems a bit...uh?"

"Much?" George sighs "I know my parents can be a lot sometimes," He says index and thumb pinching the bridge of his nose "just go along with everything it's easier that way."

Eventually, after a short wait, a host introduces himself and leads the family to their table where a familiar older couple is seated.

"GEORGIE" The woman of the two cooed as she embraced George, "you look so good in this suit." She complimented, adjusting his blue tie.

"Thanks, mom" George smiles, he then turns to his father exchanging a simple nod- a man of few words "Dad"


His dad was the first to crack a deep chuckle passing his lips. He stands with a wide smile embracing his son in a tight hug "We missed you '' he says with a firm pat on George's shoulder "why don't we all sit down how bout' that?" He suggested.

The booth is divided into two sides, with George Clay and Tubbo sitting on one side, and Kate and Henry on the other.

"So we both have to meet Clay once, but Georgie who is the little one here," Kate asks cooing at the adorable child who sits happily coloring on a child's menu a yellow crayon in hand

George rubs the back of his neck nervously as his words stumble through his mind "Uhh well the thing is I..." The brunette turns to his boyfriend who seems to have the same look of nerves entrancing his face

"Spit it out already, boy," his dad implores impatiently, tapping under the table with his foot

After taking a deep breath, George opens his mouth and his words stumble onto the table, "I know this will be confusing and yes, we should have told you earlier, but Clay and I have been together for almost six months now." He watches his parents' faces turn red as they try not to react. "And this little cutie here" he gestures to his son "Is Tubbo Clay's son which I have been in the process of adopting"

"But.." Kate starts before Clay jumps in with his explanation. "I know at the cafe I told you that we were just friends, but that's not the truth." he sighs, unsure whether his explanation will result in hate or understanding. "When I found out you guys were Georges parents I freaked out and didn't know what else to do.'' his eyes burn with drops of tears threatening to spill memories of past disapprovement ringing in the back of his mind

"My son is not gay" his father spat

"This is just a phase" his mother reasoned

"Gay is not okay" They drill like a Sargent in the army.

Painful words to go with his sad rain of tears.

"Oh, Clay hun please don't cry, my husband and I both are accepting of you and our sons' relationship even after the incident at the cafe we both had our suspicions." She soothes, reaching her hand across the table using the mother's touch to comfort the blond man.

"You are accepted and loved" Henry comments a calming truth backing up his every word.

Clay stares at the older couple, a look that could only be identified as shock carved into his features, a single tear rolling down his cheek.

Acceptance; The reality of allowing someone to be themselves taking responsibility and accepting one's self-worth and love.

"You have no idea what this means to me," He says with a soft smile pulling at the corner of his lips.

The grin is reciprocated mirrored onto Kate's and Henrys face "Of course Clay. We can see how happy you make our son along with giving him the family he has wanted."

With a clap of his hands, Henry stands reaching to pat Clay's shoulder, "Welcome to the family son. You're one of us."

In the course of the small talk, ordering food, eating, laughing, and on the way back home, the words that George's father had spoken resonated in Clay's mind.

"Welcome to the Family"

Family- He had finally been accepted for who he was. Of course, his friends and lover had stuck by his side with a proud stance, but there was something different about hearing it come from Henry- how the father-like aura danced around the table, a firm grip patting him into their life.

He had finally been a part of a family.

"Tonight went better than expected" Georges' British voice whispers from beside him "sure a few tears were shed, but at least they were happy ones" he laughs heart-fully.

Quickly catching the honey-colored eyes of his boyfriend Clay nods lifting their interlocked fingers to press a gentle kiss onto Georges knuckles "It did! Your parents are really sweet" He agrees "and very fond of Tubs they couldn't get enough of his insane stories."

"You know Clay, I'm very proud of you for coming out to my parents tonight," George admits "you are such a strong man and I love you so much."

At the red light Clay leans over the consul pressing his lips into George's "I love you" he mumbles before stealing one last kiss.

Soon enough the light is back to green, the couple having to go back to their seats and continue the ride home. Tubbo asleep in the back, the quiet tapping of George's thumb against Clay's own.

There were no more words needed for this kind of hour, a peaceful silence guiding the three down a long road, the moon slowly reclaiming its spot in the sky as a few stars burn twinkling into the oncoming night.

It was a perfect feeling setting down into Clay's soul, his body resting in acceptance enjoying the company of the wind and trees, a song of lonely crickets serenading a tune of love.

Accepting the night as it was as he was accepted for who he truly is.

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