Chapter 28

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In retrospect, the two weeks turned out not to be as bad as George had thought, and they were probably one of his best holidays with his parents in quite some time. Christmas was just around the corner one hour before December 23rd, which also meant that Tubbo turned seven in only a few hours.

"Come back to bed" Clay groans, burrowing his head back into his pillow. He had not checked the time, but considering the dark sky and the all too calm atmosphere, Clay knew it was far too early to be awake at this hour.

George chucked from across the room stacking another wrapped present to his side "I have to get this done Tubbos Birthday is in 4 hours" he explains while starting to wrap another gift this one being a new bee onesie. "It's the first birthday I celebrate with him, it has to be perfect!"

There was no denying that George was stressed; he was doomed to fall into a pattern of perfection It was crucial for George that this birthday was nothing like anything else, For fear of abandonment, he wondered if Tubbo might retire George from fatherhood and take Clay with him to Florida, where he grew up 4000 miles away from George and his fears. George's heart sank into the ocean of 'what-ifs' knocking him back further into the rough waves of worry. As his voice softened, he turned to peer at the colorful wrapping paper in front of him "It just has to be perfect..."

It wasn't just his lover's words that caused an eerie pit to stir the blond; he could read George's body language like a book, eyes following the slump of his shoulders to the fiddling fingers resting on shaking legs. Clay knew George even more so than himself. Putting his weight on his back, Clay sits up until the cold touch of the headboard sweeps across his back. George jumps up from the ground as Clay directs him to come to him crawling into the comfort of his lover's arms.

"I'm sorry" George mumbles sadly "I don't know what's wrong with me" he cries the tears sliding down his cheeks onto the spot where his head rests against Clay's chest.

He closely coils his arms around George, placing a light kiss on his forehead, "There's nothing wrong with you" Clay strokes his lower back gently as he speaks "Tubbo is gonna love what you set up; he adores you so much George you have no idea how much love he has" Another kiss is given, this time on his forehead, "You are an amazing dad and he is so lucky to have you," Clay concludes.

"You mean it?" George's British accent shakes as he hesitantly lifts his head off of Clays' chest using the sleeve of his sweater to wipe away the few tears that scatter his cheeks "because I love him so much, I don't want to lose him or you"

"Tubbo adores you" Clay tilts his head down until their foreheads are flesh against each other kissing the top of George's nose he smiles "We aren't going anywhere" he reassures "you're stuck with me for the rest of our lives."

George's smile grows as Brit connects his lips with Clays. "Thank you" he mumbles, arms circling Clay's torso and his head buried in the crook of his neck.

Clay's words subsided the intrusive thoughts calming the rough tide splashing amongst George's mind even if it was just for a few more hours of peace he took the time to retire back to his spot in bed Clay's arm securely holding onto his waist, and so George slept with good thoughts knowing as long as he had Clay by his side everything would be okay.

Tubbo was first to wake when the sun had started to bloom from the horizon, the sound of his sock-covered feet echoing through the halls. He comes to a quick halt in front of a large wooden door. He grins in a mischievous way lifting both of his fists, a small giggle passing through his lips before he starts a chaotic bang "WAKE UP!" He shouts, "IT'S MY BIRTHDAY! TIME TO WAKE UP!"

There is a loud groan that is followed by an abrupt British laugh, "WE'RE UP TUBBO!" George shouts as he swings the door wide open, his cheeks lifted for a joyful grin, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" He lifts the boy into his arms and spins them around together in a circle.

As their small celebration continued Clay had finally toppled himself out of bed tossing a sweater over his exposed chest "Did I hear the word birthday?" He asks with a playful smirk

"ITS MY BIRTHDAY DADDY!" Tubbo bounces in George's arms, his smile growing impossibly bigger.

"No way!"

"Yes, way!"

Tubbo is carried downstairs where a colorful arrangement of balloons and streamers and a large sign that read "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TUBBO" hung above the fireplace. The boy in George's arms admires the decorations eyes wide with excitement.

"THIS IS AWESOME" Tubbo escapes the hold his dad had on him to run around with the adrenaline of pure happiness. Tubbo loves the excitement of his birthday because it's his day—no fighting from mom or dad, no crying upstairs in his room alone—one day when everything is about him.

In time everyone else woke up slowly filling the living room with their wishes. The wave of birthday wishes and celebratory words washed through the room, accompanied by light banter and cheerful laughter. The smile on Tubbos' face did not waver once as he was too happy to let his smile fade into anything less.

Breakfast had been served an hour later the smell of fresh strawberry pancakes blesses the air around with its delicious scent. Everyone sat around the table munching on their food in peace except for one lost soul- Clay, his energy did not match those around him, the blond impatiently tapping his foot at a quick pace, eyes darting through his surroundings, and a heart that aggressively beats against his chest.

Admitting he was nervous was an understatement because in this distressing moment the blond has been experiencing every feeling known to mankind- eyes twitching the movement fuelled by stress and a slight tremble had shaken Clay to his core from fear itself, mind buzzed with serotonin- a drug keeping himself from falling apart.

The waiting game he had been playing seemed to have been going on for far too long and just as Clay was on his last thread of sanity that slowly started to tear Henry had finally made his move carefully pushing his chair back standing with a small stretch.

"I will be right back" he announces before leaving a small kiss on his wife's cheek. He then maneuvers himself around the table and out the back door.

Clay whispers to his brunette lover a quick excuse to leave the table before following in Henry's footsteps The king had finally made his move and now Its Clays turn a simple pawn proving its worth.

Moves in silence and only speaks when it's time to say checkmate.

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