Chapter 17

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The delicate force and soft sound whispering close to his ear shakes Karl awake

"Baby it's time to wake up," the familiar voice of his husband says before a kiss is pressed into his temple

Karl protest curling closer into the blanket "I don't want to" He turned his head to bury farther into the pillow, but Sapnaps attempts did not fail and this time the man forced Karl's body to sit up

"Come on my love Clay and George are awake and make us dinner."

"No! we need more sleep," he whines

Sapnap releases a breathy chuckle and leans down to kiss Karl's pouty lips, a gesture that is happily reciprocated by the other.

"Fine I'll get up" Karl groans arms wrapping around his husband's neck

"Good now wake up Ranboo so he can meet everyone else '' Sapnap unlatches himself from the tight hold around his neck standing to his full height. He smiles down at his two favorite people before exiting the room once again

Karl rubs the sleep from his eyes with a quiet yawn "God why do I love that man" he jokes to himself.

Turning onto his side Karl brushes the hairs away from Ranboos face his fingers tracing the boys' soft cheeks "wakey wakey my sweet boy" he coos

His attempts fall short though as Ranboos eyes shut once more his breaths evening out back to a peaceful sleep.

Taking Ranboo into his arms, Karl chuckles to himself as he leaves the room to find his husband and friends. "I guess they will have to do with a sleeping Ranboo''

Loud laughter is heard from the kitchen "What's going on in here" Karl asks taking the empty seat by Sapnap

"Hey baby," Sapnap greets Karl, pulling Karl into his lap with tattoo-covered arms being careful of his sleepy son "He's still asleep?" the ravenette notices

"Yeah I don't think he got any sleep at the place he was staying" Karl frowns

An inquisitive voice asks from across the table, "Daddy who is that?" Tubbo bounces in his seat pointing towards the new presence. 

He laughs at his sons' eagerness, "Calm down, buddy, Uncle sap and Karl were just about to tell us" he explains, turning to the new family as George Tubbo and Clay sit together with their ears open in anticipation.

Karl gently clears this throat before he begins "So everyone this little cutie is Ranboo, Sap and I's son"

Ranboo has been stirring slowly awake as Sapnap sits him up "We got a call two weeks ago saying there was a boy who needed a better home, and as both of you know, we have been talking about starting a family, and because we are gay men, that is something we have looked into"

The smile on George's face grows as Ranboos eyes blink open though the color comes to a shock seeing a beautiful gray hue meet his brown ones "Oh guys! he is the cutest!" George coos

"How old is he" Clay speaks up holding onto a squirming Tubbo

"He turned four in November" Sapnap answers for him  "just two years younger than Tubs"

Clay smiles nodding his head in understanding.

Later during dinner, Karl and Sapnap talked about Ranboo in more detail as well as introduced him to a new dinner which happened to be Tubbos' favorite- dino nuggets and mac n' cheese. Of course, George made a much more suitable meal for the adults.

"Damn George this was so good" Sap compliments leaning back in his chair stomach full

"Oh thank you" George blushes "it was just a simple chicken dish no big deal" he laughs proceeding to collect his and Clays plate earning a small thank you from his blond boyfriend

George stands in front of the sink, a soap-filled sponge in hand scrubbing away at the dishes. He sways back and forth from his spot humming a small tune to occupy himself with this boring task "We really need to get our dishwasher fixed" he says to the shadow that's cast across the wooden floor one that resembles an all so familiar man

"I know hun" Clay sighs stepping forward to wrap his arms around George's waist "maybe I will force sap to fix it he's the one who broke the goddamn thing"

A laugh passes the brunette's lips. He grabs a towel using it to dry his hands before turning around in Clays arms "You know I love you right" He gazes up to stare into the green orbs that look back at him

"Of course... I love you too" leaning down Clay presses his lips into the other his hand going to cup Georges cheek "You my dear mean the absolute world to me"

George cast his eyes away to peek through the kitchens window a full moon taking its rightful place in the sky "You mean the world to me" He whispers heart beating to the sound of love

Their lips meet for another kiss, a hint of lust mixing with the brisk air. George is forced back, body hitting the counter, his lovers' hands roaming the curves of his body while soft pink lips trail down the column of his neck. "You're so hot" the warm breath travels down George's back, a shock of excitement trembling across his spine.

He circles his arms around Clay's neck, twirling his fingers into his blond messy locks as he gives them a gentle- yet needy tug

Before the two become too consumed by the desperate drug of lust Clay steps back a playful smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. "I am going to get Tubbo ready for bed and you love are going to go upstairs and wait for me preferably clothes off" He demands sending George off to the bedroom with his handprint left on the brunette's ass.

"ALRIGHT TUBBO CLEAN UP YOUR TOYS AND GO BRUSH YOUR TEETH!" Clay calls while adjusting his jeans.

Having just followed Tubbo up the stairs, he ensured he had a good cleaning of his teeth and helped him with the zipper on his bee onesie before heading out of the bathroom and tucking Tubbo into bed.

"Okay buddy have a good night and I will see you tomorrow" Clay smiles pressing a kiss on top of Tubbos head

"Goodnight daddy"

Clay exits the room softly closing the door before swiftly turning on his heel and quickly running to his room where a hot brunette awaits.

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