Chapter 18

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The weekend had come to an end. George woke up extra early to prepare for another week of teaching. He stands in front of the mirror in the hall adjusting the blue tie that wraps around his neck. 

"Are you sure you can handle dinner?" George asks for the hundredth time now fiddling with a few strands of his hair.

Clay laughs pecking the top of George’s head, hands smoothing up and down his hips "Yes love don’t worry I have the instructions you wrote out. I will be just fine" 

With little time to protest George sighs standing on his tippy toes to peck Clay’s lips "Goodbye I love you," he says 

"I love you too, now go to work you're going to be late. '' Clay laughs, shooing George out the door he stands leaning against the door frame watching George hurry off to his car and drive away. He sighs knowing now that George is off to work the next step to his already too early morning is to convince Tubbo to go back to school. 

"NO NO NO" Tubbos voice echos off the walls loud and full of frustrations.

"Please Tubbo, let me take you to school" Clay pinches the skin between his eyes as he deepens his breath. His tone is soft, comforting, but he is still adamant. 

Tubbo shakes his head, covering himself with the blanket, turning his back to his father "I stay in bed" the boy protests. 

With a heavy heart, Clay takes a seat on the ground beside his bed, a hand going to rub Tubbo’s covered back. "I know school has been very rough for you" he starts, "but sometimes it just takes time being at a new school is scary, but I bet if you go today you will make a new friend even if it's just a random bee you find outside."

The last part makes Tubbo let out a small giggle, his body twisting back around. "I do like bees," he says, peeking from under the covers.

Clay nods with a fond smile, "I know you do. So will you please try to go today?" 

Tubbo pauses, eyebrows furrowed in thought as going to school has become such a scary thing for the small boy, His first week never going truly as planned. "I guess so," he mumbles, pulling Benson closer to his chest.

"Alright buddy quickly get dressed and I will make you some yummy eggs and toast" Clay directs, standing back up. The blond exits Tubbo’s room whistling down the stairs and into the kitchen. He flashes Karl and Ranboo- who are sitting at the table with a quick smile "Good morning" he greets taking out a pan and two eggs. 

"Hey Clay! Did Tubbo agree to go to school" Karl asked, bouncing a giggling Ranboo on his knee.

Clay nods in response as he says "Yes I was able to convince him hopefully it will be better than the first day the poor kid deserves so much" He sighs knowing how much his son had gone through in the seven years he had been in this world "Its hurts seeing him this upset" Clay sadly admits.

"I know Clay, but it is a new school so it will take some time for him to adjust"

"I hope he does soon" 

As the conversation ends, Clay goes to the stove to prepare breakfast, cracking eggs into the heated pan and allowing them to sizzle as they cook. Meanwhile, Clay gets Tubbo a plate and fork as well as toasts a slice of bread while he waits. A song he's been humming in his head for the past few days keeps him dancing around the island.

"HEY, CLAY IS SOMETHING BURNING?" Sapnap yells from the living room 

In response to his friend's sudden urgency, Clay turns to the stove where two chard eggs are sitting. "Shit," he swears under his breath, removing the pan from the burner, but it is too late as the fire alarm sets off the loud sound echoing off the walls, which is then followed by Ranboo's distress cry.

Sapnap appears by Clay's side with a humorous smile glued to his lips. He pats the blonds back a few times "Dude you know eggs aren't that hard to make right?" He jokes, but his laughter is halted when a fist meets his shoulder "HEY! THAT HURT'' Sapnap pouts rubbing the bruising spot on his arm. 

"It was supposed to dumbass" Clay smirks "Now go shut off the alarm before we all go deaf" 

Everybody sighs in relief when the alarm stops the only sounds left were a sniffling Ranboo and Karl's attempt to calm the boy 

"Sorry guys" Clay apologizes "I guess you are having cereal Tubbo" 

Nodding not being very picky Tubbo takes the cereal filled bowl from his father taking a seat beside Ranboo at the table "HI" Tubbo says spooning the sugar-covered food into his mouth 

Ranboo timidly waves his hand before curling back up into his dad. "Oh Ranboo don't be scared buddy Tubbo is the nicest person I know," Karl reassures. Seeing Tubbo's very friendly smile and the coaxing of Karl, Ranboo gained enough courage to turn back around and face Tubbo again.

"Hi Tubbo" he mumbles chewing on his thumb 

Though the words were not much, Tubbos' smile grew ten times larger, his eyes glowing with admiration. "HI RANBOO, I LOVE YOUR SWEATER! YOUR EYES ARE GRAY THAT IS SO COOL! DO YOU WANT TO BE FRIENDS?" The questions spew from the eager boy’s mouth as he bounces in his seat.

Karl chuckles, placing a hand on Tubbo’s shoulder to stop his movement "Slow down bud we have to stay calm with Ranboo right now" He reminds the brunette. 

"Sorry Uncle Karl, I'm just excited." 

"I know buddy lets just ask one question at a time with our indoor voices" 

Tubbo agrees, turning his attention back to Ranboo "Do you want to be my friend I don't have any yet except for Tommy but he is far away?" 

 Ranboo gazed at Karl, he silently asked permission to answer; something he had to do countless times. The consequences for not answering were still drilled in his mind from his past.

"Go ahead buddy no need to ask" Karl gently reminds him encouraging Ranboo to interact with the other

"We can be friends" Ranboo answers in a hesitant voice but the smile on his face was full of pure happiness something he hasn’t had in a long time- A friend

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