Chapter 11

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George went to bed early that night alone. 

Clay never came to bed - he went straight to his office when they came home. 

He glaces over to the empty spot beside him, frowning as his fingers pass over the cold sheet. 

Yesterdays events ran through his mind. They had been since the pair left the bakery and he analyzed each detail, every word, to see what had gone so wrong. 



Does he not love me as much as I do him? George wonders, his mind swarmed with so many questions.

Sighing he gets out of bed and heads towards the bathroom catching his reflection in the large mirror brown hair untamed many pieces sticking out, smudged mascara crusted under his red eyes the sight of the man standing back at him almost brought upon a new waterfall of tears 

"God your a mess" George remarks as he turns away to the shower which he didn’t have the energy to use yesterday.

A bare body is revealed after he strips. Hot water hits his pale skin sighing in contentment the warmth bring a nice feeling of comfort surrounding the brunette.

George gazes down his eyes following the path soap suds create against his tainted thighs George catches sight of a few lingering silver lines that scatter the skin.

Though it had been years since he had done anything like this. Almost 4 years clean George couldn’t hide his disappointment when noticing many of his marks had faded and only his deepest marks remained.

These wounds hold so many dark memories of his past ones that George tried his best to forget, but seeing the physically trophies of those terrible times disappear was like he was losing a part of himself no matter how bad it might have been.

He delicately traces the lines one last time exhaling a deep sight turning his attention to refocus on showering.

Once he has rinsed off, he cuts the water and wraps a towel around his waist before entering their shared walk-in closet.

He wasn't quite sure what the rest of the group would be doing today, and he had no plans to leave his room given it was Sunday and the high possibility of seeing Clay. George opted for the easiest option: a simple pair of black sweat pants and one of Clay's gray sweaters.

Just because he is mad at the man doesn't mean the sweaters should be abandoned.

Upon hearing a gentle knock on the door, George lets out a small yelp.

 "WHO IS IT?" He shouts running quick fingers through his hair 

"Hey uhh George it’s Karl can I come in?" 

As he allows Karl to enter, even though he wishes Clay was on the other side of the door.  "What do you need," He asks from his bed, cross-legged 

"Sapnap and I were planning on telling you and Dream this yesterday, but something happened and so I guess this way will have to work," Karl says the fiddling of his fingers and lack of eye contact were clear signs that the boy is very nervous.

"It's okay Karl here take a seat" George pats the spot beside him. 

In obedient compliance, he sits facing George

"You and Dream were not the only reason we had come to London" Karl begins 

"Okay...So why is the other reason?" 

"A month after getting married me and Sapnap had a long discussion and decided that we were going to try and adopt a child." 

While waiting for Karl's next words, Georges' eyes widen and he presses in closer 

"We tried a lot of different agencies but after 2 months none of them were getting back to us until last week Sapnap got a call saying there is a kid, but he was here in London. Of course, we couldn't miss out on an opportunity like this and so we bought the first tickets here and we are going to get our little boy!" 

"OH MY GOD KARL YOU'RE ADOPTING!" George shouts, jumping into his friend's arms, knocking them both backward. 

Karl nods eagerly and reciprocates the toothy smile of the Brit, "Yeah we are"

"I'm so happy for you guys! You have to tell me everything. Oh my god! You're going to be an amazing dad!" George coos catching his friend into another bone-crushing hug.

"When do you get to meet him?" 

Sitting back Karl shies away "We are going today at 10" The brunette mumbles hand scratching the back of his neck.


"I know It's short notice, but we didn't know how to tell you guys" Karl apologizes.

George chuckles covering Karl's mouth."Stop rambling It's okay Karl I understand, yesterday was a bit rocky" he sighs 

His body jolts back when the wet touch of the other tongue licks against the palm of his hand “GROSS” George shrieks.

As though it was the funniest thing in the world Karl lets out a loud stream of giggles clutches his stomach tight "You sound like a little girl" He mocks struggling to catch his breath "What was that scream!" 

Scowling George finds the nearest object - A pillow, chucking it directly at his friend "Bullseye!" He shouts seeing the plush item hit Karl directly in the face.



"KARL BABE! ITS TIME TO GO" Sapnaps voice sounds through the door

Karl sighs standing from the bed "I guess that's my cue. Thank you George for the support" 

"Thank you! also don’t worry about you and Dream thing will work out I just know it" 

They share a quick hug goodbye before Karl departs off with his husband leaving George trapped in his own prison of solitary.

His chest heaves with heavy breaths and an invisible weight stacked upon his shoulders he found himself lost his soul and body in separate places. 

He understood that Karl’s words were meant to bring some form of comfort to settle his never-ending thoughts, but he couldn’t seem to past the tight nauseous pull that infects his stomach 

George, someone’s mind littered with musing reflections, sorrow filled thoughts, and even a hint of anger because it’s not loving them that hurts. What hurts is being hurt by someone you love.

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