Chapter 4

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With Tubbo tucked away for the night, Clay and George had the house to themselves. The pair snuggled close together on the couch as a movie played on the TV. It was a classic Disney movie, but it was more background noise than anything - for Clay's day tugged at his mind and attention.

Fingers entangled in the brunette's hair, Clay's mind traveled back to he and Tubbos small discussion earlier in the day.

"Tubbo is already getting picked on at school" Clay says with a soft sigh, a frown pulling at the corners of his lips.

George looks up from his spot with furrowed brows, "Really? That's awful..."

Clay nods, pulling his hands out of George's hair to idly fiddle with the loose strings on his sweater.

"Yeah, I'm just not sure what to do. I hate seeing him so upset."

Free from his lover's gentle fingers, George sat up and reached for the remote, pausing the movie. He sits up to face his boyfriend, placing a gentle hand on his cheek.

"I'm sorry, love. God, kids are so cruel. It must be hard to see him like that," George says softly rubbing a gentle thumb along Clay's freckled cheek, "is there anything I can do to help?"

Leaning into his touch, Clay shrugs, "I'm not sure"

"Well I'm here for you, okay? I hope you know that." George sweetly planted a delicate kiss on Clay's knuckle.

"I know, darling. Thank you."

The next day had come all too soon.

Clay struggled to wake up, fighting against his eyelids and the bright glare of sunlight streaming through the gaps in the curtains. Waking proved especially difficult on mornings when the space beside him was empty, George having already gone and started his day.

Waking up Tubbo had not made this slow morning any easier, the mention of school sending the poor boy to tears. Clay offered gentle reassurances and promises of a better day, but his son refused to settle, pulling his blankets over his chin.

"Come on Tubs, we're going to be late!"

"No school!" the boy repeats. He throws his blanket off his chest, making a point to sit up and cross his arms - his bottom lip poking out in a pout.

Pinching the bridge of his nose, Clay sighed in frustration, his patience wearing thin.

"Tubbo, I won't ask again. Now get dressed and get to the car, please." His tone was firm.

Small tears ran down the young boy's cheeks as he threw himself out of bed and towards the closet, giving into his dad's orders.

Mumbling a 'thank you' on his way out, Clay made his way downstairs to gather the last few things needed.

The trip to school was much worse then what Clay had hoped. Tubbo cried the entire way and once the school peaked over the horizon line he let out a heartbreaking stream of complaints.

"NO NO NO, PLEASE" He thrashed in his spot against the seatbelt, pounding his fists on the back of the passenger seat.

"Tubbo, please. Let's take a deep breath, ok? You have to go to school bud," Clay peered back at his teary eyed son.

Tubbo did not give in, sinking himself farther into his seat, shaking his head - a look of fear across his face.

There was no way Clay could bring Tubbo to class in this type of condition. It broke his heart to see his own son like this.

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