Chapter 5

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Wrapped around strong arms on an early Friday morning, George gazes out the window, attention focused on the heavy drops of rain that tap along the glass, occasional strikes of lightning flashing within the dark clouds.

Turning to face the sleeping body behind him George gently traces the features of Clay's face admiring the soft freckles that scatter across his cheeks. Clay's nose wrinkles as the light touches his eyes fluttering open.

"Good morning handsome" George whispers 

"Oh! Good morning hun, I thought you would be at work" 

A small smile pulls on Georges lips as he leans over to peck the side of Clays head "There's a bad storm this morning so schools are cancelled" He explains motioning his head towards the window 

Clay nods mumbling a soft 'oh' rubbing the sleep away from his tired green eyes

"Yeah you would have known if Tubbo had been going to school" 

George remarks the lightness that once laced his British accent now turns serious.

Clays green eyes widened in shock. How did he find out?

"The school called an hour ago" George answers, reading the American's mind.

"I can explain" 

George scoffs sitting himself up to lean against the headboard "Please do"

Moving to sit beside the brunette Clay sighs taking his lovers hand in his "I did try to take him, but he freaked out and refused to go so I gave up and didn't take him in for the rest of the week" 

George sighs, thumb smoothing against rough knuckles. "I know it's hard to see him like that, but Tubbo does need to go to school. The first week is always hard and eventually he'll make friends and be okay" George explains smoothly "you can't just keep him at home all day" 

Though George's words were meant to bring comfort the blond couldn't help a feeling of frustration rise within himself.

"I was doing what was best for my son. I'm his parent, not you!" 

A cold deathly silence clouds the air. Clay's hand that had held another now rests empty on the bed.

Sheet ruffles underneath George the brit slowly sliding out from under the blanket a few tears prick in the corner of his brown eyes "I'm sorry I will try to stay out of your way" He says in a strained voice holding back a sob. 

Alone in bed Clay watches with regretful eyes as George runs out the door, an aching heart sending a pain to his chest. 

Clay mutters an angry swear under his breath, his head buried in the palms of his hands "Fucking Idiot" He scolds himself.

Downstairs George pushes a hurt filled cry down, He scratches at his arm until the skin turns raw. "God damnit" he mumbles seeing his irritated red skin.

The tight strain on his chest and the lack of oxygen makes his lungs burn. He takes quick strides pushing open the back door, drawing in a deep breath of the outside's cold air his tears mix with the drops of rain drenching his clothes and hair.

George gives in, breaking down to his knees the emotions he tried so hard to push down now surfacing. 

This week has already been so rough as being a teacher in a new school is not as easy as he thought- himself struggling to fit in with the other staff members along with many other stressful things that had picked at his mind.

He cries the harsh sobs being drowned by the loud rumble in the sky losing himself within the storm; the presence of another being unknown to the brit until arms are wrapped around his shivering body.

"George! Oh my gosh How long have you been out here" Clays voice says from behind. He lifts up the broken boy holding him tight to his chest.

Clay carries his love upstairs, setting him on the bathroom floor turning to start a warm bath. 

Tub filled a layer of bubbles coating the top. George is stripped from his soaked clothes and lowered into the water. "God you're like an ice cube" Clay mentions feeling the cold skin beneath his fingers. 

George remains quiet, his eyes are a dull trained on the wall in front of him, cheeks flushed and stained with dry tears

"I'm so sorry love" Clay sighs "I shouldn't have said any of that It wasn't true I know you were just trying to help" 

"Can you get in with me" George whispers with a plead in his voice 

"Of course" 

Removing his own clothes Clay steps in behind the brunette pulling him close arms circling around his waist "Im sorry" He mumbles again placing a kiss on his bare shoulder.

"Its okay Clay I know you were just upset I just overreacted" 

Shaking his head, Clays tightens his grip around the boy. "No no I was in the wrong your feelings are 100 percent valid and I'm so sorry" 

George leans back into the embrace as Clay whispers sweet nothings in his ear causing a slight blush to paint his cheeks.

"The waters are starting to get cold. Do you wanna get out and maybe make some lunch?" 

George perks up at the mention of food nodding his head with a sweet smile forming on his lips 


Standing up Clay wraps a towel around his waist then helps George do the same with his, both of them going to their room to change.

Back in the living room Tubbo is seen watching cartoons on the Tv while playing with his toys, an innocent smile glued to his face. 

"Hey Tubs ready for some lunch?" George asks from the kitchen to gather the necessities for grilled cheese sandwiches.

"YEAH!" He shouts jumping from his spot on the carpet 

Clay throws his head back as a laugh escapes his lips, his son's excitement always brightening their day.

Stomaches now filled Tubbo returning to his previous activities while Clay and George sit across from each other at the table coffee in hand

"I'm really sorry again" Clay says, eyes cast down to his half empty mug.

"Clay...hun I already told you its okay you didn't mean it so please stop apologizing" George softly explains

"I know" The blond sighs sadly "I just want you to know that your just as much of a parent to Tubbo as I am" 

George nods, taking a sip of his hot drink, his shoulders rolling into a shrug.

Falling into another content silence Clay mind wonders to a thought that tickles his brain.

"Hey George?" He says catching the Brits attention brows furrowed at Clay's nervous demeanor.

"How would you feel about officially adopting Tubbo?" 

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