Chapter 30

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Halls were un-decked from the boughs of holly and eventually, every bell became unjingled as the Christmas season passed. A Minecraft video was playing in the living room- specifically Clay's new manhunt that had just been uploaded a few hours prior. George and Tubbo curled themselves up under a fuzzy blanket cuddling close to one another. Dinner was finished and he was finally able to enjoy a few minutes of relaxation. Moments like these allowed George to break free from the daily grind and appreciate his life, one filled with love and affection that drove his family forward.

"We're all done packing" Henry sighs, placing the last duffle bag by his feet handing his wife her shoes and coat.

George glances at his father with a sad smile "You know you guys could stay an extra few days you don't have to go so soon."

Even though George had his doubts about his parents staying a full two weeks those thoughts soon vanished as he had realized how much he missed his mom and dad. He missed the warmth of their hugs, the love he felt when their arms were wrapped around him. He missed hearing their voices and laughter, and most of all he missed the sweet three words of affection colliding with his heart.

Seeing the packed bags and winter coats warn the brunette couldn't help the drop of disappointment weigh his shoulders down  "Georgie, it's so nice of you to offer, but I think it's time we leave so you guys can have some peace and quiet before the holidays end." Kate notes, "plus, Clay is eagerly awaiting for you guys to spend some time together."

A brown eyebrow rises as George wears a look of suspicion "Alright then", he murmurs, causing a stir of confusion since he and the blond have spent time alone frequently in recent weeks. Nevertheless, George shrugs it off and stands up, "We will have to arrange something else soon then"

"Of course hun" His mother returns the grin raising her hand to catch her son's cheek in a pinch "Call us soon okay?"

"I will, I will." George laughs rubbing the sore spot on his now red face.

The other Family of three along with a tired Tubbo say their goodbyes as well-wishing a safe drive home and thanks for the treats and fun times together.

"Clay should be loading our car up, still we'll say goodbye to him out there!" Henry assured stepping out of the house and into the cold breeze of winter.

"Everything is all packed in" Clay chimes, brushing the few fallen snowflakes from his gloves he flashes the older couple a charming smile while opening the door for Kate.

"Thank you, dear." She blushes sweetly "and good luck with the proposal I believe in you!"

Clay nods, speaking a small "Thank you" closing the car door before shyly turning to Henry.

"You can do this son! Just one more week!"

A blond nods in approval, stepping back out of their way as the expensive car drives into the distance. Clay sighs a heavy breath, his heart hammering with every step he takes near the front door. Nerves, fear, excitement? Clay wasn't sure which emotion tugged at his mind, but he did know it was love that controlled his soul, heart, and desires. Slowly turning the handle, the warmth of the house warms his body.

"They left okay?" George asks peeking his head around the hall corner

Clays' once stressed self has now faded to a calm demeanor, as George's sweet British accent beckons him. "Yes," Clay answers, grasping George's hips and pulling him close. "Have I ever told you how beautiful you are? Because my love, wow you take my breath away!"

A strawberry blush burned at George's cheeks, his head tipping upwards to kiss Clay's awaiting lips "You have told me many many times" he says, his voice laced with a whisper like a child telling a secret at the park.

Their love is young and innocent smiles and joy, a told tale of the prince and his knight in shining armor, the two saving each other from the dangers of the story.

The lovers carried themselves up the stairs and into their bedroom George hid under the covers, his arms reaching out for the touch of his boyfriend.

Clay laughs as he removes his shirt tossing the fabric to the side before crawling into the stronghold of George's arms. The feeling of George's fingers combing through his blond stands is almost enough to send Clay into a peaceful sleep.

"One last kiss" he mumbles tiredly lifting his head just enough to connect their lips in a gentle peck.

The sun rose a new morning, its bright light casting a call of awakening through the window, its shine just catching the corner of George's eyes. He yawns rubbing the sleep away blinking a few times allowing his brown orbs to adjust.

Almost a week had passed since his parents left, and he would have been lying if he said he didn't miss the peaceful mornings before the full house they had a few nights earlier.

George shifts his body so that he lies on his side with his elbow propped up, one hand reaching to brush Clay's hair from his eyes, as his fingertips travel down Clay's cheek and across his stubbled jaw until the blond's neck is cupped gently within his hand.

George tilts his head to hover his lips above Clay's parted ones, the warmth of his lover's breath mixing with his own. He leans down tenderly pressing a light kiss onto his sleeping boyfriend's lips. Though the blond had seemed to be in a state of slumber George had felt a slight flinch of movement, a smile tugging the corner of the blond's mouth.

"I'm going to keep kissing you until you wake up" George giggles.

He watches from above as Clay smiles once more, his eyes still closed. "I guess you'll have to keep kissing me forever because I'm not going to wake up."

Without another hesitation, George says a simple "Okay" as if the thought of forever didn't scare him at all as if kissing Clay was all he wanted for the rest of his life and so he leaned back down slowly kissing him all over.

Forever, for all future time; for always.

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