Chapter 19

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"Hello, everybody!" Clay greets, flashing a smile to his screen, hands falling comfortably on the oh-so-familiar keys. 

"How are you guys doing?" He asks, his twitch chat filled with an onslaught of excited viewers spamming the comments with how happy they are to see Dream stream once more, questioning the American's long, unexplained absence and lack of content.

"I know it's been a long chat-" Clay sighs, leaning back in his chair "there was a lot happening in my personal life, but don't worry! I am back on track and will be streaming a lot more now." He flashes his green eyes to the chat where his viewers have blown up with positive reactions.

He watches as his monitor screen loads up his most beloved game - Minecraft - and starts a new world, "I thought today could just be an easy stream of speedruns to ease right back into it." 

He switches his POV from third - where his character is scene standing in the middle of a desert - to first and starts to sprint as a village comes into view beyond the square sand dunes, "Alright, this is a good start" he says, sprinting towards the village to loot its goods - proceeding to kill the iron golem. He collects the hay bales quickly and makes some bread - ensuring enough food to carry him through the run. 

"Now we need to find a lava pit..." He peeks at the chat, continuing his search, "you guys need to let me know if you see one." 

Soon enough, the entire chat is filled with dozens of messages pointing out a lava pit behind a few trees that are starting to burn. "YES!" Clay cheers, filling the bucket he crafted from the golem's iron with water. He was already four minutes into the run, the thrill of the rush sending a shock of adrenaline through his body - fingers working fast to build the portal.

"If we keep getting lucky, we might be close to beating a record." 

Luck continued to be on Clay's side as the fortress appeared only a few blocks away. Hope arose as his time became close to a world record number.

Scavenging the nether fighting dozens of blazes, Dream now had enough resources to roam the land in search of the strong hold.

"It's here chat" he says eyes fixated on the end portal "let's beat this goddamn record" 

The perles are placed in their rightful spots; the sound of a new dimension being opened rings through his ears. 

The end:  10 tall intimidating towers with their healing crystals on top. The mighty dragon flies through the black abyss seeking out all those who challenge her. 

Taking his bow, Dream fires his arrows precisely, destroying the crystals while dodging all endermen in his path. He skillfully towers to the last two that are surrounded with iron bars exploding them as well.

The timer continues to count every second he has left of his record. Dream quickly lands his fall with a water bucket now focusing his attention on the dragon attacking her with every arrow and strength he has.

Finally, the moment he waited for the dragon perched herself in the center, large wings beating against the wind.

His method of using the beds that he collected from a local village is used to his advantage as a destructive form of explosives until finally, the beast falls to its final life, the last blow to its weak body results in defeat.

The dragon had died 

Clay cheers jumping into the opened portal, the time finishing at 17 minutes and 58 seconds.

His record has been broken 

"LETS GOOO" He yells in victory "WE DID IT" 

His twitch chat fills with many congratulations the viewers celebrating alongside the blond.

Clay leans back in his seat feeding with one of his costume merch coins his cheeks pulled back into a large smile "Thank you guys for watching and being part of this amazing accomplishment I can't believe we did it"

Basking in his all so sweet victory Clay stays live reading out a few generous donations along with answers to some of the chats questions and loving messages 

Eventually, a yawn passes through his lips, his eyes struggling to stay open, a fight he is slowly losing to sleep. "Alright, guys I think it's time for the stream to end" he declares with a stretch.

Of course, many disagree with him since everyone spams the word "Nooooo" repeatedly in the chat

"Goodbye chat I will stre-" -but before his sentence could finish a new voice interrupts. 

"Hey babe I'm home- Oh shit I'm so sorry" George gasps from the office door his brown eyes wide with shock. 

Clay scrabbles to end his stream in an attempt to catch Georges voice from picking up on the mic, but his attempt fell short the chat spamming with a new sense of curiosity 

"Fuck" Clay mutters under his breath shutting off his computer 

"I'm so sorry I should have knocked I didn't know you would be live" George stresses covering his oncoming tears "I'm sorry" he cries

Clay quickly stands from his gaming chair pulling away George’s hands "Don't apologize love, it's not your fault" He soothes brushing his thumb across a new stream of tears. 

"B-but you didn't want your followers to know about your personal life and I- I-" 

"Shhh it's okay I know I said that, but there's no changing what happened now right. The worst thing that's going to happen is my phone blowing up with many tweets." Clay pulls George into a comforting hug hand smoothing down the length of his back "Why are you home so early baby?"

George sighs, pressing himself deeper into his boyfriend "My class had a music field trip today so I was able to come home early" He mumbles into the blond sweater. 

"Well, I'm glad I get to see you now" Clay smiles, leaving a peck against George’s head "Why don't we go watch a movie and cuddle?" He suggests.

Receiving a small nod Clay takes George's hand into his own, leading the other into their shared room. 

The couple tucks themselves under the covers as George cuddled into his lover's side the sound of their movie playing on the tv along with the buzzing of Clay’s phone what they both assume is the start of a very chaotic trend on Twitter.

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