Chapter 1

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Love. Such a beautiful thing in this world, delicate. Many have been lucky enough to experience the warm fuzzy feeling it holds, tending to its every need, cradling it like a little baby for fear of the storm that waits between the cracks of every mishap or falter.


"Babe have you seen my keys?!" George shouts from the front door, digging through his leather shoulder bag. His stress levels were rising with each second that passed, each minute a reminder of the scheduled shift waiting for him that he absolutely did not want to be late for. George valued punctuality and especially wanted to make a good impression in the first few months of his new teaching position.

"Uhh... shit, give me a sec!" A voice calls back, followed by the sound of rushing footsteps. Clay appears, flashing his lover a shy smile, swinging a pair of car keys around his finger. "Here you go my love" he says, placing them in George's open hand.

"Thank you," The Brit says, smiling sweetly, bouncing anxiously on his toes.

"Now I have to go! One of these days you're going to make me late-" he shook his head, quickly hurrying out the door. Yelling a final goodbye to Tubbo playing in the front yard, George throws open the car door and tosses his bag into the passenger seat.

While Clay stands in the front doorway of their new house, watching his lovely boyfriend drive away to his new job.

He'd been in England for two months now and the couple had taken quick steps to find a bigger space to better accommodate the three of them. The time it took to pack and make the transition to their new home was exhausting, but seeing the smiling faces of his favourite people each morning made all the hard work worth it for Clay. He lingered at the doorway for a second longer, staring at the empty parking space.

He tried not to miss George so soon and rather tried to focus on savouring the moments they were together. Finally, he sighed and stepped onto the patio, approaching his son on the lawn.

"Alright Tubbo, time to get ready for school!" Clay scoops him up from the grass and sets the boy atop his shoulders.

"Awe come on! I was playing," Tubbo pouts, crossing his arms.

Clay chuckled as he pushed through the front door and headed toward the kitchen, stepping around the few lingering boxes that were still waiting to be unpacked.

"You'll have plenty of time to play during recess, kiddo," He laughed, setting him down at the table. The small boy pouted, but seemed to accept the response, kicking his feet as they didn't quite reach the ground yet in the tall chairs.

"What would you like to eat?" Clay asked, opening the cupboard to reveal the various cereals. Clay wasn't exactly the best cook these days, cereal being the only meal he could successfully prepare.

He waited patiently as the young boy observed each kind until he finally declared, "SHREDDIES!" and pointed to the yellow box.

Clay gave him a slight salute then worked to gather the simple necessities needed to prepare the perfect bowl of cereal. Bowl, cereal, milk, spoon.

"Alright, here you go." He said, placing the breakfast infront of Tubbo.

While Tubbo eats, Clay gathers his supplies sliding it neatly back into his bag followed by a lunch which George made last night (he's definitely the cook in this family)

Making sure Clay has everything ready he turns back to his son seeing the food was finished

"Awesome" Clay praises checking if all 10 fingers and face were cleaned which they surprisingly were "Now get your shoes on and we'll get you to school" He nods happily skipping away to the front door.

Clay pats his pants pockets down checking off his mental list of things he needs then sliding his own shoes on.

Now both of them ready Clay leads the way to the car making sure Tubbos seatbelt is done correctly Clay gets in on the left side- Which is still pretty confusing to him but nonetheless the things he does for love.

Starting up the car Clay is now on his way to the first day of Grade one.

We pull up to the new school Tubbo practically bouncing in his seat, the restraining seat belt only allowing small movements.

Just as the car is parked he jumps out and the moment his dad gets out as well the excited boy takes a hold of Clay's hand dragging him to the entrance "COME ON DAD WE CAN'T BE LATE!" he strictly orders.

His determination makes Clay chuckle as he allows himself to be pulled into the building.

Inside were many nervous children either finding the correct classroom or the parents comforting crying kids.

"Alright Tubbo lets get you to the room...." Clay says while looking at the tag attached to his sons school bag "Room 423"

Counting in my head we find the colourful door already open.

"Hi I'm Miss Puffy" a short woman greets happily "Welcome to your first day" She peers over to Tubbo patting his head "Why don't you" she ruffles the boys hair "-little man go find yourself a seat"

The brunette boy hurries into the class not even saying a goodbye which Clay didn't expect to happen anyway. Puffy and Clay introduce themselves quickly before she has to attend to some screaming students.

Clay turned the other way, needing to make a quick stop before home.

Finding the destination, the Golden number 404 now right in front of him, he slowly opened the door, seeing a beautiful British man sitting at his desk.

"Knock knock" Clay says, stepping inside luckily all the students outside.

George cast his eyes away from his laptop smiling instantly when seeing a tall familiar blond man "Hey love, What are you doing here?" He stands making his way over to his boyfriend.

"Well I didn't get my goodbye kiss" Clay smirks admiring the way his brunette lover cheeks heat in embarrassment

"Hmmm well maybe I can change that" This time George takes the lead now leaving Clay a flustered mess. The lovely teacher takes a step forward looking up with sweet love filled brown eyes cupping the side of Clay's face softly.

leaning in close, inches away until he finally brings his light pink lips to the others. Without even thinking Clay's hands wander towards George's waist pulling the boy even closer by his belt loops.

"Alright alright the bell is going to ring soon" George pushes away, slightly breaking the almost heated kiss.

Just on cue the school bell rings and the American man sighs running his fingers through his messy blond locks.

"See you tonight?"

George nods flashing one more cute smile before returning to his work


Back at the house Clay jogs up the stairs heading straight towards his brand new office flicking the light switch. The room brightens a fancy gaming setup at the right side. The entire perimeter of the room is complemented by Led lights. The back wall has a large bay window.

Finally the best and coolest part about this room is that George got the room soundproof, something Clay's old office didn't have back in Florida where he had all his gaming equipment squished into his bedroom.

Taking a seat Clay powers on the monitor getting ready to start his own work smiling proudly as he had finally got the life he has always dreamed of.

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