Chapter 29

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Flakes of a cold substance fell quickly from the clouds above. The snow is gracefully being carried by the cold winds of winter. Stepping past the back door a shiver struck Clays' spine with only a thin sweater and jeans protecting him from the harsh weather.

He slides the door behind him shut, sealing any lingering doubts on the other side away. He displays a mask of confidence and pride. The snow crunches under his feet as he walks, eyes fixed on the figure standing a few feet away, and slowly the distance shrinks until Clay can see the figure clearly on his right

"Do you smoke?" Henry asks, his deep British voice is thick with a cold layer of rasp from the cool air around.

Clay shakes his head 'no' declining the unlit cigarette that had been offered "I used to back in high school, but not anymore."

The older man nods, taking the white bud for himself placing the end of it between his lips, he then fishes through his coat pocket for a lighter, the flame catching the cigarette. inhaling its toxic chemicals he allows the nicotine to settle deep within his lungs before taking the white bud between his two fingers removing the cigarette and exhaling the smoke. He watched the gray fog get carried away with the brisk winter wind before turning back to Clay. "I don't smoke often. Kate hates the smell, but I never had the willpower to completely quit so I do give in once in a while." He takes another hit before dropping the bud to the ground using his foot to put it out. "What are you doing out here Son if not for a guilt-filled smoke?"

Clay's arm unconsciously lifts to rub the back of his neck, his eyes casting outward to the whitewash of snow throughout the backyard. "I wanted to ask you something." He sheepishly says.

Henry nods the sides of his chin being scratched between his thumb and index finger, head bobbing with a small nod "Alright ask away." he agrees casually,

Clay's shoulders were laden with fear, his mind swarming with anxious scenarios that agonizingly played on repeat. He knew Henry was a kind man- one whose life is run on love as he is a subject to the family lifestyle caring for the people surrounding him. The blond looked up to Henry as a father figure, one well suited to the role as his own fled to the life of work, absent from the boy's childhood, and so the fear that pounded against Clay's chest felt like a downpour trembling down- scared to be a disappointment.

Time became distant, disappearing from the world itself and it wasn't until a firm calloused hand was gently placed onto Clays' shoulder that the clock started to tick once more. "There's nothing to be scared of Clay." Henry's tone becomes softer with his next words, "there's nothing you could say that would make me mad or upset so tell me what's on your mind son."

The father-like words soothed Clay's storm-clear sky appearing within his mind. "You know I love George very much" he starts slowly to ensure the words that carefully pool past his lips are bound to a structure of importance and truth.

The older man nods the corner of his lips mindfully tugging upwards- he grins "Of course, and I do not doubt that He loves you the any different"

At those words, A shadow of confidence casts over Clay, his posture lifting, and the tilt of his head rising. "With my love for your son, I know that my life is complete. He is everything I want, need, and desire in this world and so..." One last breath lungs inflamed with the crisp air then exhaled with a heavy sigh. "I would like to take the next step in George and I's relationship and ask him to marry me, but of course, I would only do so with your blessing."

The world fell silent after Clays' last few words had been swept through the outside breeze. He lifts his jade eyes, the orbs studying Henry's face which remains wearing an indifferent expression, his own dark brown eyes staring right back at Clay. The American felt the tension rise tickling the back of his neck goosebumps forming across his arms.

And then Henry laughed, but it did not hold any mockery or venom this belly full laugh was dug straight from the British man's core eyes pricking with a few tears. he laughs with such power which it had the ground shake below Clay his ears blazing with the sound of what seems to be pure joy.

"Oh Clay" Henry breathes with a chuckle, he lifts his hand running a few fingers through his silvering strands of hair as he allows one last laugh to pass. "My son, of course, you have my blessing. Heck! I expected you to ask me weeks ago!"

The burning ache that sizzled against Clays' body eased as he too laughed with the anxiety of relief. "You mean it?"

"Yes I do Clay you have my blessing ask George to marry you start that chapter of your life because you honestly have earned it"

An old saying of his own fathers' words plays through Clays' mind 'Real men don't cry, Strong men don't cry' and to that Clay does- he cries large drops of water falling from his eyes, down his cheeks, and eventually meeting the snow in a way, And this was because the words that once held the power of restraint over his emotions no longer held any control. This was a time to shed real tears of genuine emotion. Clay lifts his fallen head meeting glossed-over eyes with Henry's seeing the same salted substance following the same path of his own.

"Thank you so much" Clay cried

"There is no thanks needed Clay. I know you are the man my son loves and needs, and I also know that you are someone who needs a family. You have my blessing, I am more than happy to open the doors to you with no hesitation."

Clay couldn't help but cry once more as his tears were not ones filled with a dreaded pain and instead created by a spark of happiness his tears of joy are like the summer rain drops pierced by sunbeams.

Clay had been blessed and now he anticipated the moment he proposed to be life-changing.

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