Chapter 26

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Jingle bells played through the house and a warm scent of gingerbread floated around the kitchen. Christmas break has arrived and the Family has started to celebrate.

"Babe! Have you seen the star for the tree" Clay calls hands digging through countless Christmas boxes.

George peaks his head out of the kitchen wiping his flour-covered hands on the apron that's securely wrapped around his slim frame.

"It was in the green bin that was by the fireplace" he explains with a kind smile

Clay nods as George gives him instructions. He searches through the bin and to his relief, the star landed right on top of the bin. "Perfect," Clay tells himself quietly, "Want to place the star on top Tubbo?"

"YES!" Tubbo shouts in excitement, his face lights up with a bright smile, eyes filled with an innocent cheer.

Clay laughs as he reaches to pick up his son so that he is now the perfect height to reach the top of the tree. Tubbo, with the care of a child, carefully placed the star on the top branch. He then clapped his hands together as the star shone in the sunlight.

"That looks amazing!" George congratulates with a fond smile "you did a very good job buddy" he ruffles Tubbos' brown locks snatching the boy from Clays' arms "Now that it's done I think some gingerbread houses need to be built in the other room."

At those words, Tubbo jumps out of George's arms landing with a tumble across the ground, but that doesn't slow the boy down as he gets right back up and sprints to the kitchen table.

Clay chucks wrapping an arm securely around George leaning down to press a tender kiss against his lover's temple. "Your parents come at 3?" He asks,

"Yeah sometime around then, but my dad's driving slow so it's probably more like 3:30" He replies softly leaning closer to the blond, his head falling loose onto the broad shoulder. "This will be our first Christmas" George mumbles, taking Clay's hand into his thumb brushing sweetly across his knuckles.

"It will be" Clay affirms "and it will be the best Christmas ever!"

A kiss is shared between the two lovers and a twinkle of love blows through the room. It was bright- both of their lives flickering a light of passion- "I love you" George whispers sweetly.

"I love you too" Clay swings his body around chest flushed against George's he leans down capturing the lips of the other for a deeper kiss grasping George's waist in a tight grip he releases the brunette's lips but keeps their foreheads pressed together. His eyes slowly watched George's features, the intense yet passionate gaze making it seem like he was memorizing what his lover looked like.

George's cheeks were flushed with a bright red covering his light scatter of freckles and a smile pulled at the corner of his lips.

"Can you two love birds stop fucking each other with your eyes and make a gingerbread house" Sapnaps voice breaks their bubble of love as he shouts from the kitchen corridor.

Clay groans under his breath while George steps back with a quiet laugh "Alright Sapnap we're coming" George says taking Clays' hand into his and dragging him to the kitchen.

"This is a mess" George sighs as candy and icing cover the floor and table, as well as the two culprits who sit surrounded by and covered in the mess. "How did it get so messy? Karl what happened?" he cries out nervously.

George had never been fond of messes as he worked hard to keep the house clean and organized. He enjoyed the control of a spotless house, but when there's a speck of dirt or a room full of toys George finds his control to be lost and his mind falling into a spiral of panic.

Clay sees the stress that had washed over his boyfriend and reaches his hand to George's back, soothing circles over the covered skin. "It's okay love I'll make Sap clean it up" He comforts sweetly,

While complaining, Sapnap agrees when he sees George cracking his knuckles and breathing with sharp, rapid breaths. This has made his child-like actions stop, and he starts taking the situation more seriously.

"Okay Okay," George mumbles to himself as the slight panic that clouded his mind now passes.
Tubbo and Ranboo laughed together as they decorate the sweet gingerbread houses making sure every last piece of a cookie is covered in icing and candies.

"They're going to be on a sugar high for a while" Karl comments, eyeing his son who just had shoved a large piece of the house into his mouth. "It's going to be next to impossible to put Ranboo to bed"

"That's going to be a tough one" Sapnap chimes, tossing a discarded gumdrop into his mouth.

The Christmas traditions continued as the house slowly became more and more festive- all six stockings hung above the fireplace, a large tree decorated. There were even a few flakes of snow starting to fall from the clouds above.

"THIS IS BETTER THAN MOM'S CHRISTMAS!" Tubbo yells, sprinting circles around the coffee table. "JINGLE BELLS BATMAN SMELLS-"

The doorbell rings echoing through the house George's head snaps to the front of the house standing up from Clay's lap "I'll get it" he says, stepping around another mess of stuffed animals "Make sure that gets cleaned up Tubs."

George reaches the front door. The fuzzed silhouette of two adults stands on the other side and opening the door the figures become clean and in steps his parents "Mom, Dad you're here early" George greets with a slight shock.

His mom nods, chuckling "I forced your father out of bed very early." She gloats, "The man could sleep for days!"

While he assists his wife with removing her coat and shoes, Henry chimes, "Oh, Kate, stop it, no need to embarrass me.". "Okay, you go and say hi to everyone, and I'll get the bags.".

"Bags?" George inquires and an eyebrow raised in suspension "What do you need bags for?"

"Oh well sweetie you didn't expect us to just stay for the evening did you!" Kate rhetorically asks, "We are staying until Christmas!"

George's jaw almost hit the floor if he didn't have any self-control eyes wide with a sparkle of horror "The whole two weeks" he repeats in a quiet voice,


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