Chapter 3

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George comes home after a long day of work. Being a new teacher definitely has its challenges- 20 five year olds with little to no attention span does make the day a lot more interesting.

The tired Brit finally pulls into his driveway stepping out of his car bag that is now full of a day's worth of work slung onto his shoulder.

"Honey I'm home" George shouts down the hall kicking off his shoes and hanging up his jacket.

Just as he was about to announce his presence again -due to the lack of any response-, The loud sound of footsteps is heard coming his way, the culprit being a small little boy running straight towards him.

With open arms George catches Tubbo lifting him up into the air, spinning them both around in a circle enjoying the contagious sound of his happy giggles.

"Hi Tubbo!" George beams happily resting the child onto his hip with a bounce. "How is my favourite boy?"

"I'm good!... Daddy and me watched a movie and ate lots and lots of candy"

"Oh wow that sounds like a lot of fun" George nods "Where is your dad now?" He asks seeing the absence of a tall blond man

Tubbo only shrugs trying to wiggle out of the tight grip he is trapped in, eventually escaping from the hold and continues his previous activity of running around the house high on sugar.

With a small chuckle George wanders through the halls looking for his blond companion. He eventually comes to a halt outside Clay's office door where the muffled sound of his lover's voice could be heard.

"Babe?" George knocks on the door gently waiting until he could hear a quiet 'come in' register back allowing the brunette to slowly open the door.

"Yeah yeah George is home so I'll talk to you later okay?" "Okay bye Sap"

Tucking his phone back into his jeans Clay smiles brightly seeing his boyfriend standing in the doorway.

"Sorry about that hun, Sapnap needed help with a code" Clay explains wrapping his arms around the Brits waist lovingly

"No worries as long as I have your attention now" George smirks placing a lingering kiss on the blonds lips

Clay smiles with a small laugh "You always have my attention" he states, "Now come on! Tubbo has been asking non stop to go to the park" Tightening his arms around George he lifts up the brunette tossing him over one shoulder running out of the room and downstairs.

"OH MY GOD CLAY PUT ME DOWN" George shouts through large gaps of breaths "TUBBO TELL DADDY TO LET ME DOWN" he calls to the seven year old laughing at the ridiculous sight.

"I'll SAVE YOU" Tubbo runs towards the two pounding his tiny fist against Clay's legs playfully "LET HIM GO!"

Clay starts to play along gripping his leg with the free hand as if he was actually hurt "Oh no he's just too strong" The blond drops to the floor dramatically freeing George from his trap "You got me" He gasps an arm covering his eyes.

George and Tubbo dance around the fallen 'Villain' shouting many victory chants- Clay peeking from behind his arm, heart swelling at the sight in front of him.

The small families game comes to an end with the last few giggles from Tubbo who has been acting out his dad's death scene for one last time.

"Alright my knight in shining armour how about we head to the park now and get some food in this tummy of yours" George declares tickling the boy's stomach.

Nodding happily, Tubbo runs to get ready, George and Clay following shortly in suit.

A few hours have passed and the park was a very successful trip. Tubbo inventing a game he called 'Dragon Slayer' ,his wooden toy sword in hand (gifted by Tommy) using it to defeat the nasty beast.

The sky has darkened as the moon slowly makes its appearance. George and Clay decided it was best to leave the park and satisfy their growing hunger with a familiar family favorite restaurant.




Tubbo chants walking towards the entrances which is then followed by a small shush from George when some people start to look their way.

As Clay ordered their meals George led Tubbo to the dining area to find the perfect spot deciding to choose a small booth in the back.

Waiting for their meal to come George listens with open ears as Tubbo beams about his time at the park demonstrating all of his fighting skills as well earning a few 'Wows' and gasps from George.

Soon the food had arrived and everyone dug in Tubbo of course, stuffing his face with his chicken nuggets which then led to him being scolded by his father.

"Tubbo slow down you're going to choke" Clay sighs giving George glare hearing a small snicker come from the Brit.

Once his food was finished Tubbo runs straight towards the play area wasting no time to go on all of his favorite slides.

Now sitting alone Clay pulls his brunette boyfriend closer to him whispering a sweet "I love you" accompanied by a kiss on Georges temple

"I love you" The Brit responds softly, leaning in close.

They allow the small boy to burn some of his extra energy before making their way back home, now a tired Tubbo resting on his fathers hip struggling to keep his eyes open.

Just as they make it to the restaurant exit a woman appears in front of the three "Excuse me... Sorry to interrupt you guys, but I just wanted to say how lovely of a family you guys make" she smiles shyly.

"Thank you ma'am" Clay speaks up, circling his free arm around George's waist flashing a toothy smile back.

Continuing their way to the car the dark sky now painted with pretty stars George breaks the silence with a loud laugh "Why does this happen every time we go to McDonalds" He remarks shaking his head in disbelief

"I'm not sure babe, but she's not wrong we are a pretty perfect family if you ask me" Clay chimes, leaning over the center console to peck the brunette on his awaiting lips.

George nods in agreement peering back in the rearview mirror seeing Tubbo passed out cold in his car seat.

"Yeah we really are"

Interlocking his fingers with Clay they cruise their way back home satisfied with how their lovely evening out as a 'perfect' family went.

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