Chapter 15

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Karl drops down into the passenger's seat with a satisfied sigh. He tilts his head up peaking through the rearview mirror to see his husband bent over the backseat fiddling with the buckles

"You okay there babe?" Karl laughs watching Sapnap's brows furrow with confusion

"Yeah just give me a minute" he mumbles tongue sticking out in concentration.

Several little giggles were heard from the back, which brought a smile to the faces of both Karl and Sapnap.

"Do you find daddy funny bud?" Karl asks

"YEAH!" Clapping his hands together, the boy in the back laughs, " FUNNY FUNNY FUNNY!"

Having brushed the imagined dirt from his jeans with his hands, Sapnap stands straight, a big grin on his face. "I did it!" He announces closing the back door before jogging to the driver's side

"Everybody ready," He asks turning the key

"YES!" "Yeah, I believe so babe" the other two answered Karl leaning to peck Sapnap's cheek.

The car trip back to Georges and Clay's was peaceful. Sapnaps placed his hand firmly into Karl's thigh, smoothing his thumb over the covered skin, and hummed the quiet songs playing on the radio to themselves.

"Is he asleep?" Karl whispers, craning his neck to the back.

"I think so" Sapnap answers "he's had a long day so I'm not surprised"

Nodding Karl turns to his husband with a fond smile "I can't believe this finally happened it feels like I'm dreaming" His blue eyes are focused on the passing scenery of autumn trees blowing in the wind, birds soaring across the blue sky, cool wind wisping against their wings.

Sighing Sapnap gives the other thigh a light squeeze "I know it's crazy" he lightly chuckles "we're parents now"

Since they said their I do's, the dream of starting a family has been in their hearts, and now another step of life begins with a new fulfillment in love; both of them are excited about the future.

"I love him so much already" Karl coos "don't you agree sap?"

"I love him as well babe" The ravenette agrees "a perfect little boy"

"Our perfect boy"

Karl and Sapnap continue to gush over their new son until a familiar white house appears over the hill.

Having parked the car, Karl pushes the door open as he navigates to the backseat to free their precious little boy, fumbling with the straps and clips. "God sap you're right what is wrong with theses fuc-stupid things"

Sapnap laughed, wandering over to place a gentle hand on Karl's upper back.

"We'll figure it out one of these days."

He peeked over his lover's shoulder, watching him struggle for a moment before he was finally able to pry their child free from the car seat.

"Alright buddy" Karl bounces their sleepy boy on his hip "time to go inside" Slowly the front door is pushed open, the family of three stepping inside.

"Hey babe you go put him for a nap in our room while I'll go get everything from the car" Sapnap suggest hand rubbing the small of Karl's back admiring his soft features

"Good idea he will probably sleep for a while so that will give us time to unpack" Karl whispers rocking back and forth

While Sapnap takes a trip back to the car Karl turns on his heels wandering deeper into the house which seems to have been cast to a spell of silence. "Hello?" He softly calls towards the living room




He finds himself checking the kitchen, but the only thing found there is a much too fancy arrangement of uneaten sandwiches and vegetables left out on the table. Karl sighs silently knowing he is the one who will have to do the cleaning, but for the moment he goes up the stairs to the bedroom.

"Where did everyone go buddy?"

Making one last attempt to find the three missing residents, Karl makes a quick detour to George and Clay's room using the slight crack in their door to investigate. His eyes scan the large room until they land on the bed "found them" he says quietly seeing Clay and George curled up close in each other's arms while Tubbo is passed out on the bed, wrapped in the white sheets.

With one last chuckle, Karl closes the door fully and continues down the hall entering his bedroom ." Here you go buddy," he coos, gently placing the sleeping boy onto his bed letting his fingers glide through his hair slowly watching his chest rise and fall with every strong breath.

Karl's attention is drawn elsewhere when the door is swung open and a tired-looking Sapnap enters "ALL IN ONE TRIP BABY!" He cheers a bit too loud causing a small stir from the boy sleeping.

"Sapnap!" Karl whisper shouts pointing to their son "I'm proud you achieved such an amazing thing, but please keep your voice down while celebrating" He scolds his husband

"Sorry," Sapnap apologizes sincerely while placing all the bags down on the floor. "But I have to admit that was very impressive," he laughs as he sits on the empty side of the bed with the others.

Karl shakes his head, the corner of his lips pulling up into a small smile "Yeah yeah it was" he agrees before going back to watch their sleeping boy.

"Babe how about you get some sleep as well you've been up since 3 am this morning." Sapnap suggest seeing the dark bags under his husband's eyes "I'll unpack and clean up"

Laying back, head resting on the pillow below Karl stretches his arm gently wrapping around his son's sleeping body pulling him close to his chest placing a small kiss on top of his head. "Are you sure?" he sleepily asks.

"Of course my love take a nap" Sapnap reassures leaning over to leave a sweet peck on his lover's lips "I love you" he mumbles quietly.

"I love you and our little boy"

Both men share one more kiss absorbing the never-ending love that circles the air.

"Have a good sleep baby" Sapnap gently whispers

"and you too Ranboo"

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