Chapter 31

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On Sunday, December 31st, Clay once again replayed the date in his mind from the moment he woke up, kissing his loved one, to the present moment, struggling to adjust the green tie that's wrapped around his neck.

"Here let me help you" George spoke softly his delicate fingers pushing Clays' hands away and lifting his own to fix the messy tie "There perfect!" the brunette smiles sweetly "you're so handsome"

Without another thought, Clay lifts George's left hand-kissing each knuckle, his lips linger a moment longer on one specific finger that will soon wear a pretty piece of jewelry.

"Are you all ready my love?"

"Yes, but I don't understand why we are dressing so fancy what's so important" George laughs lightly

Clay tips his head forward kissing the crown of George's head. "I just wanted a special night with the person I love is that too much to ask?"

George's cheeks flushed with admiration the dust of pink coating the pale white skin burning into the flesh the heat ridden with love. "Not at all" he whispers.

Satisfied with his lovers' response Clay nods a sweet smirk stitched on his lips as he intertwines their fingers together leading them both out of the bedroom and downstairs.

"Ah, the lovebirds are fancied up and leaving for their date" Sapnap observes, he stands at the living rooms archway smirking at the couple while they toss on their coats and slip on a pair of dress boots.

At the sound of his husbands' voice Karl appears as well looping an arm around Sapnaps bicep "You both look very nice" he completes.

"Thank you" Clay grins "I'm going to say one last goodbye to Tubbo. You go ahead and start the car love."

George takes the keys from Clay and nips his cheek, before waving goodbye to his friends and entering the cool night air.

Tubbo was found in his bedroom laid sprawled across his Minecraft bed arms stretched above his head fingers grasping onto Benson as the small boy danced his stuffed animal around.

Clay carefully pushed the bedroom door open making his way over to the side of his sons' bed crouching down to Tubbos level "Hey buddy"

Tubbos mouth curves into a smile, his arms dropping back down to his chest. "Hi daddy" he beams, his voice quiet, laced with a yawn of tiredness.

Clay cups the side of Tubbos face his thumb brushing over the skin " Dad and I are heading out now." he explains, "but we will be back before you wake up."

Tubbos sage green eyes peer over to his bedroom door before focusing back on his dad he squints curiously deep in thought.  "Come here" Tubbo lifts his pointer finger curling it in beckoning Clay to lean in close. The small boy lifts his head just enough to whisper his next words his voice fanning through Clays' open ears. "Are you proposing to dad tonight?" He asks

Right after Clay had bought George's ring and hid it away Tubbo had spent the same afternoon lurking around the house specifically in his parent's bedroom where he happened to find the valves box that held a pretty ring. The piece of jewelry confused him at first, but after a quick interrogation pushing Karl to his limits until the poor man broke, he got a confession revealings Clay's plan.

For the young child, it had taken a great deal of strength to hold such a secret, but he did it. Other than the few friends he told at school, most of the primary teachers, and the schools' janitor- he managed to seal the truth away from George which is what mattered the most.

A shocked expression flicked through Clay's jade-colored eyes, but it didn't last long his features melted into a soft smile."Yes, I am you cheeky monkey!" Clay chuckles ruffling his son's long brown locks. "I don't know how you found out, but when I get back you better tell me everything." he fakes a stern face pointing a finger at the giggling boy.

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