When Lena's phone chimes, she has a huge smile plastered on her face.

"What is it?" Kara asks.

"A surprise for tonight."

Kara immediately perks up. "A surprise? What kind of surprise?"

"It's for your sister."

Kara immediately goes into her puppy dog pout.

"Oh, don't give me that look. Not every surprise is for you."

"Do I at least get to know what it is?"

"Nope," Lena pops the p when she says it. Lena goes back to her book.

"Leeeenaaaa," Kara whines.

"Patience, darling."

Kara lets out a huff. She shuffles so her head is in Lena's lap, peering up at her from under her book. Lena smirks at the blonde's antics. She lightly boops her nose. "Do you want to go out to pick up snacks and drinks with me or should I order delivery?"

"Lee, we told you that you don't have to pick up things. You're hosting."

"Kara, I'm a literal billionaire. I think I can pick up some chips and salsa without breaking the bank."

"That's besides the point."

Lena sighs as she shuts her book with a thud. "And what if I let you pick out the snacks. Does that change your tune?"

Kara immediately smiles and nods her head furiously. She winces when she gets up a little too fast, pulling on the healing skin. Lena quickly loops her arms around her waist. "You alright?"

"Yeah, yeah. Can you grab the pain killers?"

"Of course."

Lena comes back with the pills and some water for her. Lena quickly peaks under Kara's sweatshirt and gauze to make sure nothing tore or reopened. Satisfied, she helps Kara get ready before she changes into some jeans and sweater. Kara smiles at her when Lena slips on the leather jacket before they head out. They walk down the street arm in arm as they run their errands. They stop for lunch first at Kara's favorite Chinese place before they hit a couple different stores.

There is only one time that Kara gets a bit paranoid and anxious. She saw someone who looked a lot like Mike. Lena is quick to get her outside and guide her girlfriend's hand under the jacket and sweater.

"Let's go home, darling."

Kara evens out her breathing and leans into the shorter woman. "You promised me snacks."

Lena smiles at her while running her hands in golden hair. "I did, didn't I?"

Kara keeps one hand firmly on Lena's lower back as she leads her girlfriend back into the store. Kara's determined not to let it stop her from living her life. She picks out the sweetest, sugary snacks she can find. Lena just rolls her eyes at the choices while she grabs everything she wants for game night. They quickly check out and head back to the penthouse. Lena gets another text as they ride the elevator up. She hides the phone when Kara leans over to take a glance at the phone.

"No spoilers, darling. You'll find out soon; I promise."

Kara's pout turns to a little smile with Lena going up on her tiptoes to kiss her cheek. Kara wraps her arms around her girlfriend and squeezes. They unload everything in the kitchen, putting everything away.

"We have a couple hours until people start coming over. What would you like to do?"

Kara lights up at the question. "Can we cuddle?"

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