"This is all my fault. I shouldn't have let her work in the lab. She was distracted," Alex mumbles.

Lena looks at her sympathetically, "Alex, this isn't your fault. It was a lab accident; it happens. She'll be okay. We will make sure of it."

"No, sh-she told me about Mike. She wasn't totally focused on her work. I knew she was upset by it all. I shouldn't have let her work distracted."

"It may have happened anyways. It could have been an unexpected outcome. Let's just focus on making sure she gets the best care possible. Okay?"

Alex nods and wipes away stray tears. Lena goes to say something, but her phone rings from Alex's pocket. Seeing that it isn't Eliza or Sam, she passes it back to the CEO. Lena quickly answers.

"Hello? ... Yes, this is she ... Thank you, officer ... I will update her and her attorney ... Have a good day." Lena quickly sends off a text one handed, refusing to let go of the blonde. Once she's done, she pockets her phone. "That was the police. They set a date for Mike's trial. I'll make sure she has the best attorney to make sure he is imprisoned for violating the order. I'll testify if I have to. That monster will not get near her again. One way or another, I promise you. He will not get near her again."

"I- I can't even think about Mike. Let's take your advice and focus on getting her better." Alex shifts uncomfortably. It's too much: finding out about Mike magically reappearing, the explosion, her sister in a hospital bed. All Alex wants to do is curl up in a ball and cry.

"Of course," Lena refocuses and softens when taking stock of her injuries. When she looks under the sheet, she sees that Kara's entire torso is bandaged. It's hard to tell how bad it is. She's already made up her mind that if Kara agrees, she will rest and recover at her penthouse. Lena will either take a leave of absence or work from home. She has a mental checklist to make sure to find the best in their fields to make sure her recovery is quick and comprehensive. Lena pauses the rabbit hole her mind has created. She shakes her head to rid herself of that train of thought. First, she just needs Kara to wake up. Second, she needs to kiss her. Third, she needs the doctor to release her.

Alex breaks the silence, "I'm going to get my phone back, pick up my meds from the pharmacy, and grab us some crappy coffee. You'll stay with her?"

"Yes. I'll be here. I'll text you if there are any updates."

Alex kisses her sister's forehead before leaving. She has been ignoring her own pain to lay eyes on her sister. She can't ignore it any longer. She still heads to the ER to get her phone back. She wants to update Eliza and Sam, plus have access to any updates from Lena.

After Alex steps out of the room, Lena brushes Kara's hair back from her face. She leans closer to put her forehead on Kara's. She whispers, "Kara, you'll be alright. We will make sure of it. Just get better, darling. When you wake and heal, I'd like to take you on a date. So, just get better, baby."

Lena pulls over a chair so she can sit and hold Kara's hand. She couldn't tear her eyes away from the blonde. She watches ever so closely for any sign of a twitch or conscious movement. It doesn't take long. She feels strong fingers twitch in her own. She is quickly on her feet and mumbling, "Kara? Can you hear me?"

Kara groans in response and squeezes her hand. "L-Lena?"

"I'm here, darling. I'm right here. You are alright, and so is Alex."


"Some sort of lab accident. What is the last thing you remember?"

"Leaving your place." Kara's voice is hoarse and quiet.

"That's okay, darling. It's common. How's your pain? Should I see if they can give you anything?"

"'m kay."

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